Monday, January 25, 2010
Confronting The Evil Twisted Twin Witches
Friday, January 22, 2010
There's been a death in the opposite equator
ak igt lg luqman z ajak ak kuar sblm xcident |
And I was like, what? Accident... For real? So I end up chatting with one of my friend, Eman, about this stuff. And it turn out to be a lot true... How reality can really bite you, no matter which part he bite, it'll sting like hell..
Sunday, January 17, 2010
To whom it may concern LOL
OMG... This is so late.. It's already 5 in the morning, and guess what? I haven't sleep yet.. Maybe I need a 'secret lover' to put me into bed, or at least try to.. Muahahaha LOL whatever...
Muahahaha for my 'secret lover'... But I don't drink so should I do?? (-___-''')
Okay, so tomorrow, or actually today, there'll be a education fair in Stadium Melawati, Shah Alam, in which I already went to last Sunday.
No, I didn't go to the education fair, BUT the stadium itself.
And that's what I wanted to share about...
I don't know why, but somewhere around last two weeeeeks (LOL too many e forgot to erase yet have the time to add this sidenote) my father and I read, or rather saw an ad in the local newspaper and the Internet (that'll be me who surfs the Internet, fyi) stating that
the STAR EduFair 2010 was to be held at Stadium Melawati that upcoming weekend,
which was last weekends, 9 and 10 of January.
And in order (cewah in order..) to go there, I took a day leave for that Sunday, which was the 10th of January. I was very - maybe very would be toooooo graphic, it should be something subtle but I don't know what word to use, so whatever! - excited to go there, since, well, I can get a lot of informative papers which later would end up either in a file or the dustbin.
When we arrived there, with me all made up (I was wearing my white jeans, which was cool by the way) the stadium was empty. Maybe empty is not enough. Maybe it is best if I use - ABANDON. Okay it's not like there are no people there. There are, a few people but they are certainly not there for the EduFair. They have this mean kind of look that suggest me to say here (LOL say actually type) that they may have just planned a masacre of plans somewhere in Sahara desert. LOL
You got the idea right? No? Nevermind. Let me tell ya this. Well, I'm kind of bored with this stuff. This whole education fair thinging. No offence universities in Malaysia. It's just that the experience of me going to an abandon education fair was very shocking and terrifying that I had just told myself, like righ now, that I don't want to waste any more money and go to an abandon stadium to watch a group of mean looking guys killing plants and themselves by smoking.
So... Yeah I'm not going there.
I may loose a chance of a lifetime in improving my availability towards the U there (LOL I'm single and ready to mingle...) but at least I can get even more money than all the imformative papers you get there combined and sold to the Chinese guy who collect recycable items in a white van...
I hope that you guys would have a very great time there although I know I would have the best-est time here in Popular In making even more money muahahahaha rofl
Saturday, January 16, 2010
I want to fly..
Thursday, January 14, 2010
I LOVE My Work.. (^^,)
Huh! At last! I've updated my blog!! Muahahahahaha... Oh it's nothing really just that, well I know, nobody reads my blog, like it is a must to read it...
Not like Hanis Zalikha's blog, which, I think everybody reads them even if she updated nothing, for like, 1 whole month!. No harsh feelings Hanis okay?? (^^,) ....
Work sucks me in deeper into happiness! Ha I got you there! Hahahha... Actually work is awesome! It's like being in a gym... Mainly due to the fact that Popular In have two shops, both at a different floor, so we have two stores to, well, store shoes.
Run downstairs, took one (or six) box(es) of shoes, run upstairs, took the wrong shoes. *Sigh*. Run back downstairs, took the correct shoes. Phone rang. Pick up the phone. New Shoes. Pick up the shoes. Run upstairs with all the shoes. Finally, trying the best to catch up your breathing and trying your very best to smile.
So, yeah, it is a gym...
OKay now, I really need to go, I need my bath because later I'll going to the 'GYM'. Hahaha LOL whatever.
Thank you, IF you are reading my post, or if you had read any of my other post. Oh and if you had post comments on any of my posts. Thank you.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
It's ALIVE!!!!
BBQ dinner - a treat from my sister, there is a PC in my PC place.
Okay, that's lame. Of course there's a PC in a PC place!? Then what's fireplace for? To place ice craving? Heh!
Anyway... MY PC IS NOW ALIVE!!!! Muahahahahaha! Okay that's all... Thank you...
Friday, January 8, 2010
Why? Of course, you'll think of money first and then work. Like, who would thought of work and then money? A simple example would be, hunger and food. I'd say food is the best thing that came after hunger, simply because hunger came first before all those goood food.
Don't you think so?
So as a conclusion1 , we all had to work, so that money would come tumbling after... But then why work is the best thing that came AFTER money if work actually came first? My question to you is, which came to your mind first when you are looking for jobs? The pay or the hard work?
Actually, I made this entry for all my friends who are currently working and will be working in the next few hours (even 72 hours are few hours, especially in this modern age). may all your hardwork be paid as what they are worth.
The FIXED payment that you are supposed to get monthly, that is. Hahahaha LOL
1 - I know, this entry is a little too short, especially when you are so wanting to become a writer, but who caer. I'm doing this in the most uncomfortable position ever. Or maybe it's just me, but still, it is VERY uncomfortable and I just don't like it. So, let this be a short entry, I don't really care. And I'm actually reconsidering being a gigolo. Hehehehek.
Monday, January 4, 2010
First Day Working Experience!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Return of Dr. Zomboss Jr.!!
No it's nothing really. It's just my niece. She had just returned from her 'other' kampung. She spent like a week there. And an intel there (my sister, really, her mother) told us that she was just recovering from a fever and bloated stomach.
Oh poor baby~~
Anyway I've just read this article by Hanis Zalikha (she's the one whom I wrote about in this entry, well not that much). In this entry she tells about her secret of becoming a famous blogger. Ohhh I can't wait to become one LOL!!
And I've also decided to join Nuffnang Malaysia, kind of AdSense by Google. Yeah, making money babe!!! I hoped that I get the money in one month. Please please please please. Oh and by the way I did not do this because it was posted in Hanis Zalikha's entry, no no no!
Hoh! I guess now is the time to tell you that it is almost 12 PM and I really do should try to get to sleep, now considering that I have to go to work tomorrow!
Okay, buhbye now. And thanks for not reading and not commenting on anything that you don't read.
This might be you when you have a nervous breakdown after hearing the most weirdest and unexpected news EVER!!!
I really do need to calm down.
Guess what?
I got the most BRILLIANT news to tell you.
But lets not spoil the beans when the soup ain't ready. It'll ruin the taste of the bean don't you think? Hahaha
Okay whatever! I know nothing about any bean soup nor the taste of it because I personally hate the taste of bean. Give me any bean, I'll hate it. Green pea, red kidney bean, black eyed pea
(not THE Black Eyed Peas) and also other peas or beans that may come to concern.
So, this morning I woke up kind of early. And I went outside for a jog. A jog around the park. I didn't wear my spectacles as I am a very self conscious. Still, even without my specs, I still am a little bit self conscious if not over the board.
I thought (I THOUGHT, I don't if it's for real or what) I say two men looking at me. Huhuhu they're watching me (self conscious, proven).
Anyway later this evening I got this call for an uncle, or should I say, the owner of the shoe shop that I went in in my quest of finding a job. He called and said that I get the job.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Getting myself a new pair of jeans...
It's like, a storm in a bed, if you know what I mean. My mom raised these kids, well, literally. My mom was a baby-sitter for several years, which also include some other kids. And they seem to be stuck with us even when they're no longer with my mom.
Today, my PC is still sick. Not that I ever know when my PC is healthy.
But luckily, I had done some shopping today and end up with some new jeans! Well, they are not that new, because these are from a bundle shop down the block. And I got them for RM20.00 only which was a bargain!!
Previously I went to Kepong Jaya Jusco Shopping Mall and saw some Chargers long pants that cost around RM30.00 after discounts. Lucky I didn't grab them. The reason for me nothing buying that pants even after my mom offer me with that pants was that I don't know my waist size in alphabet.
And I was like, WHAT THE FUDGE?! They should have used Rome numeral, that would be fun! Anyway now that I can get two beautiful pants and even save RM10.00 if compared to one Chargers long pant, I can say that I am very satisfied!
I needed these jeans because I've been using this black cargo for a LONG time now. I first bought it at Cameron Highland for RM25.00, which I still remember because I actually bargained and got RM5.00 off.
I think I need a bath because after going to the bundle shop it was raining and some hit my head. I better get some shower before I get back my fever + my dreadful headache...