Somewhere around last week, Thursday I think, I went to this 'University Transitional & Assertiveness Workshop'. Don't get me wrong. I went there solely for the free refreshments. The workshops were broken to two parts, Transitional program and also Assertiveness workshop. I know, it's inevitable, I still pay attention even after setting my goals for the free food.
Anyway I actually liked the Assertiveness Workshop. They actually touched a bit about personalities. So basically they are 3 different types of personalities, namely Aggressive, Passive, and Assertive. Aggressive people tend to shove ideas down people throats (read: Sadistic), Passive people tends to swallow what people are shoving down their throats (read: Masochist). Assertive, on the other hand, evaluates what they feel, see if there is any need to disagree with one's idea, then make a whole lot of shit out of it, and make up their decision.
So you'd know that it is always better to be assertive, rather than being a sadist or masochist. But I think there is always a limit to just how 'assertive' you can be. I mean, what if you are too adamant to not go to this party, that people actually see you as an 'Aggressive' person? Or maybe you are too willing to go bed with this handsome dude/pretty lady that they actually see you as a very 'Passive' (or maybe 'Needy') person?
Well, that's for you to think. I'm here to talk about people I hate, as always.
I hate my little sister. She's 13, she's fat, and she's stupid. Yesterday she 'discussed' about getting herself a prepaid number and also a new phone for that number. She even went through this Court's mailer with a calculator, calculating just how much she needs to pay monthly. Of course, normal people can do it sans calculator.
What's more, she was actually mad that my Dad won't buy the phone on her behalf. Which is, of course reasonable. I mean, well, you are going to use Dad's money to buy the phone, why the heck do ayou want to trouble him more by forcing him to buy your phone? That's stupid. She even argued about my RM500.00 phone. Well, so sorry to break the news, I used the Rakyat's money to buy the phone, not my Dad's.
What trouble me is the fact that she doesn't really need any phone. I mean, well, if you really want to have a very private phone a.k.a. number, why don't you just buy a freaking number then just swap the SIM card? Isn't that the easiest way ever? I still remember when I'm 13, all I ever cared to have was a phone card, that you can use in a public phone.
Of course, at that time I was in a boarding school, but that's beside the point.
I also don't seem to see the point of being able to show off your new phones to friend, when what really matter is that you can actually use the phone. I mean, come on, all Malaysian knew that the moment somebody (namely, teachers) caught you bringing your precious phones to school, they'll definitely confiscate your phone. So the safest place to actually use your phone is actually outside of school.
And tell, just how long do you have outside of school. In average, a Malaysian teenager that is studying under the Malaysian school system would have to spend at least 7 hours a day at school. A normal human would then spend at least 7 hours a day for sleep. School and sleep alone take up 14 hours of our 24 hours, and that leaves us with 10 hours left.
So are you going to tell me that you are going to utilise that 10 hours, solely for 'phone time'? That is bullshit. You would need to eat, at least 3 meals a day (I eat less than that, on weekly basis). You also need to bath, make yourself ready for whatever occasion (going to school maybe?), go outside and play (alternatively seat in front of the PC and play). All of these cost you your daily hours, and alternatively shortens the number of hours spent on your phone.
Well, at least that is my argument to my sister. She's just as stubborn as hell.
Of course, if you have all the money in the world and need to have phones or else you're going to die, then go ahead, please yourself, and die peacefully.
The end. I would really like to think of myself as a very non-assertive person, but not aggressive nor passive. I don't like something being shoved down my throat, or even the thought of shoving something down somebody's throat. But on the other hand, I don't always think about what I want, or what is good for me.
Of course, I can decide on my own, and based on my own opinion on whether it is great or not. THE END. Again. Daa~~