I'd say today is equivalent to a very productive day in ShitVille. In a sense, making way too much shit is very productive.
But of course, we are, none the less, in a freaking real world, so making too much shit is pretty much equivalent to getting yourself fucked up in way too many wrong ways and end up dying alone. Sad, but mostly true. Generally speaking. Okay I need to shut up now.
You know what I wanted to talk about though? I was wandering what people had that I really wanted, oh so badly, but never once had the chance to do. It is inevitable that I have to explain the reason(s) as to why these stuffs are not accomplish-able by me, but I figured why tell the whole story when you can make 7 others. The very similar concept done in Harry Potter.
I know I just killed a few of them with that last sentence. You're welcome.
*Ooh, long title*
#1 Be born and raised posh.
Okay I know, it is entirely wrong to place the work of God at blame, bla, bla, bla, I get it. But I guess it is entirely true. If I can, like say, choose which family that I am to be born into, I would have definitely check every possible details on a list of families that are doing great financially and choose the one that I think can survive, economically that is, in the harshest environment ever! Also the thought of having all the things you want, all at your disposal is indeed very intriguing. And oh the weekend activity! I can die young, dear Perry's Band!
#2 The looks.
And by looks it is not just any looks. I want the face of Micheal Fassbender, the body of Chris Evans, the smile of Elijah Wood, the sexy voice of Gregory Peck, the legs of Channing Tatum (just because he dance like there's no ones better than him. And I believe him), and the brilliant eyes of Lucy Hale - I know, she, well female, but I like her eyes, sort of greenish, something like the patches of green fungi you find in the woods where there's no man but you yourself. Gosh, I love her eyes. The point is, I would really love to have all of these features, but then again, it is because I don't have them that I yearned them.
#3 Be naturally talented in music.
Of course that is impossible. But not quite true. I guess some people just know their way when it comes to music, some, unfortunately includes me, have to pace their way. Even up the first step of the ladder to success. So I guess if I was born with the brain for the notes I'd be pretty much happy. And of course way more happier than I will ever be. Probably. I know I'm happy now, and will always be happy, but that's beside the point.
#4 Awesome social skills.
This is sort of ridiculous. But I've always wished that I had like better social skill. I mean I know I'm doing well, I have no problem going to somewhere totally strange but not having any problems making friends (depending on the time I'll spent though, an hour is very unreasonable to make friends), and I do have many friends now. But it always catch me nowadays, whether my friend-making skill is enough or not, and the reason to it will lead to #5...
#5 Someone to love.
Yup. I think everybody have someone to love. And if your someone to love is your own family, I entrust you with a slap to your face. Because the thing is, I'm looking for someone new for me to love. I've always wondered how people find their loved ones. I mean, is it really that easy? Am I blind (funny I typed 'blonde' before fully realizing what I just did)? I sometimes find people very funny. People like those aged 10 to 16. Like what the heck, why do you need a lover? You're not even finished with puberty yet, power through it one by one can you? And up until now I have never had someone to hold hands with, never had someone to text to every freaking night, never had that someone whom I can give pet names and be nervous whenever I'm close to that person. I just never had the chance. Or I'm probably am blind. Though I must say despite being illegally blind, I don't really care about the gender of my future 'someone to love', for I think I'm gender-blind. I feel bad for myself.
#6 The brain.
I've just... I've always wished that I have the brain of someone very brilliant, someone like Einstein maybe. Heh, who am I joking?
#7 The perfect friend.
I know, I'm probably asking way too much in one post. First someone to love and now the perfect friend? Oh, if you don't know, your lover may or may not be the perfect friend. My version of perfect friend would be one that will never let you down in whatever that you do, no matter how stupid you'll look like. I know, this is like the most perfect thing yet the most impossible stuff to get, but I guess it is never wrong to dream, for thanks to dream, we can have all we wanted. But then again, even the most perfect (I don't know how is this possible) friend can be ruined if we ourselves are not trying to be the perfect one. So I guess I'll settled with I WANT TO BE *THE* PERFECT FRIEND. I don't care about either my friends can be perfect for me or not, but that is no reason as to why I shouldn't be one. Gosh this is way sadder than #5.
I think that is everything. Everything that I can wished for, but I probably have a small chance of actually having it, knowing that #1, #2, and #6 is entirely out of my reach. But I guess a small dream is never wrong. And with that, THE END.
P/s: I'm very sorry with the first few lines. I think I was under the influence of hormones, not that I know any reasons as to why I might have been influenced by it. Most probably it is the case of IMS. Most probably.
Ugh, if I am a parent (mind you, a. It is I, the single parent.) and this blog is my one and only child, I'd swear to you that I am the worst dad one could ever wished for. I'll be like going to the child's room, peeked in, as something like 'Are you still alive?', maybe go around and remind him that dinner is always in the freezer for no apparent reason, than I leave the room not forgetting to turn off the light and locked the door. Something like that.
*Inhaled deeply* I surely missed the blogosphere, that much I'm sure. I dunno what have kept me from this blog, but I am quite certain that 'me' had a part in it, and that sucks pretty well. I mean, I've always wanted to like do this blog thing right, but then again it is me again who went on and practically destroyed the whole dream of mine. So sad, yet so true.
I couldn't remember just how many drafts I have made - and rest assured I am pretty much lazy to actually go and check it - but I'm quite sure it is somewhere between 4 and the number after infinity. Which is a lot (I know).
What else to say? Hrm, let's see. Humiliate yourself; checked! Reason with stupidity; checked! Oh right, my boring story regarding my boring life for the past 20 years.
Note: I know 20 years is an extraordinarily false account, but it seems to me that times do flow faster online than it did in the real world. I mean, somewhere like last couple of months, Blogger was a easy as fuck, now it is as hard as keeping the boner throughout the fuck. Not that I have had any, mind you. LOL :)
I faintly remember the last time I made my post, so I'm going back as far as May, so that I have a 4 months worth of stories to tell you guys! How exciting (not)!
So let's see. In May, what happened? I was working I think. Oh wait that was much later! I was still in my foundation year, maybe somewhere in the final exam? Oh yeah, talking about finals I flunked it, and I flunked it hard! Ho-yeah! Especially my Chemistry paper thus the reason I was rejected from the medicine school in Monash, only to have me change program into the Psychological Science and Business.
Note: I can't help but feel somewhat déjà vu about this whole thing. Sigh.
Then in June is when I started working in Watsons. And by far it is the best working experience I've ever had - next with my 3-hours working experience in the insurance management company and the experience I had working in hell, literally. Okay I'm joking figuratively of course, but seriously everybody working in that shoe shop are freaking satan!
At first I thought that I'm going to work for Watsons like for another 7 months, only to have me cut down my working time frame to a month and a half thanks to my bad chemistry with Chemistry. I went back to school in July. I think studying in Monash is very challenging. And by challenging I mean 'I have a lot of free time to run around doing unimportant stuff rather than studying' challenging. My class schedule was so free that I practically can't stop borrowing iPads from the library and play the Tower Madness game. I. FREAKING. LOVE. GAMES! Especially tower defense game! I <3 them!
Anyway, back to the calendar. In August we started with our fasting, the month of Ramadhan. And this year around, some other illness came to me. I had some wind/gastritis problem. I told some of my girlfriends about it, and I regretted it. They actually equated my stomach ache as their PMS attack. In a very graphic manner. So now I practically know just how it felt to be having one, so don't go 'Oh you don't know how I feel' techniques with me ladies, for I, have had my graduation from the PMS sector, albeit the information are very general and not precise.
Oh, I also ended up skipping 3 days of fasting, as recommended by the doctor. I had fun doing it, though. I felt somewhat daredevil, sneaking around with a pack of M&M in the side pocket of my sling bag, taking a piece at a time to my mouth. I actually did that not because I'm afraid that I'll get caught for skipping fasting by the JAKIM or whatnot; I actually had a really fun game trying to eat when nobody's around and/or looking at you eating. Hahahahaha me and my-silly-self.
In September, I saw many catastrophe. It seems like my studies is going downhill, and also my self-perceived self-worthiness. Oh, and during September my little-big-sister got a free notebook from Lenovo via the 1Malaysia campaign, only to find it broken after like 3 days after our housing area was struck with a flash flood.
The flood certainly came in a flash. Mom said that the flood was knee-high inside, and waist-high outside. And this was certainly the worst case ever happened to my housing area. Usually there will only be like 8 house affected by the flash flood. But this time around there was a total of 20 victims (houses, really). The aftermath was quite devastating, even for myself.
The day of event, I was having only one class for the day. It was a Wednesday, a hump-day, and I have only one class. I told Mom that my class will be ending by 2, and solemnly said something about being back home after the class, somewhere around 4. By the time I reached Monash, rain started to pour down. Even after I finished class, the rain was still pouring. I don't know what to do, and my friend cordially invited me to go for a badminton session they having that evening.
Apparently rain and badminton goes side-by-side. I went for the game. Initially I was just a by-stander, a single, cheering crowd if you may. But then, people started having trouble (my friend snapped her racket, while the other one had to go to the toilet) and out of nowhere I'm in a team, with a total stranger (to me of course, we had a mutual friend, it seems to be) battling for the title 'winning team'.
After winning the title (yup, I won that game. I'm suprised myself!), I checked my phone for any news. Evidently enough, Mom called my once, and Dad called me four times. I called back, only to know that he's on his way back after knowing from Mom that our house is flooded. So I also ran back home. After that, we spent something like three days cleaning up the house.
After that three days, Dad, Mom, my little-big-sister and I went to Penang for my cousin's wedding, along with my 2nd niece. We came back. We have nothing else happening. Me, on the other hand, met up with my old friend, went to her house, became her husband for a day (thanks to her Mom, I very much needed the attention anyway) and watched two movies with her, The Smurfs and Fright Night. Both a good movie. Oh and while spending time in her house waiting for the ever-late friends of ours, I fell in love with James McAvoy and Micheal Fassbender. And they are my current obsessions, if you may. I think the Internet also loves them.
And that is pretty much what happened to me these past 4 months. Exciting isn't it? Well yeah, this is a much deserving long update that my son 'Blog' need. I'm going to be a great Dad. All I need is a spouse. And I'm not even picky. Not even the sex. LOL kidding :) (am not).
P/s: I have to admit. I stole the title from the only link I put in this post. I'm so sorry OP, but apparently it rhymes with my beginning paragraph and I thought it's cool. So yeah. Whatever.