Men & Make-ups, Yuck!

Yuck! I just hate it. If you've been wondering what's the so big deal about make-ups (men, not women), it'd be... all about it! Like, what the fuc*ing reason for we, men, need make-ups?
If you thought I might said that (that was an example, not the real deal actually), you are wrong!
Actually I like make-ups! (^^,) Okay, now, don't get me wrong! I like things which are beautiful. SO there are absolutely nothing wrong about beautifying yourself. So why in the world I brought this so-called issue?
It came back to me from it's slumber in my normal-sized head after I switched on the TV this very morning (don't asked me why but I often got random ideas from random stuffs at a random time and ending rather randomly than it was supposed to).
Last week, or last 14th December to be correct, a friend of mine came to my house for a sleep-over. Realizing the boring-ness of my house, I dragged him to MidValley mall along with another friend. I was very determined to watch Zombieland, which I still hadn't 'cause it's rated 18 and above, and I'm just 17, which is such a bummer! After some minutes (or should I say, hours) later, the three of us ended up watching Jump, a Chinese movie , directed by Stephen Chow. The story was good, and it is hilarious. We (my friends and I) laughed through out the whole movie (almost).

After that, we all went touring the whole mall. And if you ever went shopping, you'd know how boring it is. But you know this is very different case since we are not shopping - we are actually window-shopping, and that I'm with my best friends which make it more enjoy-ful rather than shopping with your someone someone.
After that, the sleep-over friend of mine decided that he'll be needing a hair cut, - though personally I think that his hair wasn't as long as mine. So the three of us start shop-hunting. After some stop-and-stare and minutes later, we found a barber shop, named QQ Hair Cut. The place is kind of special, as it is a my very first time seeing a barber shop using ticket system, which you'll have to pay a RM15 per cut, no matter how you wanna cut it. There's no wash, just cut and blow services provided. they also have this stop light thing which actually indicate vacancies of the barbers in the shops. And there are also bench with sensors that go straight to the stop light thing. The whole shop was amazing.
Nevertheless, my friend went into it and had his hair cut. The barber even made him a hairstyle which I don't know the name of it. He even advised my friend to go and get a hair wax or gum for his hair.
So here comes the real story. We went to a pharmacy few floor down to get my sleep-over friend his hair wax/gum. While helping my friend with his thing and watching as my other friend went to search for thing I really don't want to know, I spotted a group of boys going inside. From the (if I may type this) 'perfect' face, they are all around my age. They seemed to be searching for some stuff in the men face and skin care section. I also overheard some of them talking 'bout the goodness of this and that product, which I really know that I don't really know about. I was like
, why the hell would I want to discuss 'bout pharmaceutical products that I used. We all have our own preference and our own skin problems and our own budgets. Plus if I'm going to buy skin care products why would I buy with my friends, especially boys? I'd rather buy it with a girl-friend, which certainly would know a better product right?
So there you go. The thing that actually came back to me after it (not-so) long slumber
in my normal-sized head right after I switched on my not-so-big TV. The thing is, I can't seemed to be getting the idea of asking your boy-friends idea on what skin care products to use. That's stupid. Almost as stupid as a reindeer that paint his nose blue just so that he can outshine all the red-nosed reindeer. OK.. Buhbye for now! I got a wedding to attend to. BYE!

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