Today is another 'stupid" day at work.
Hahaha LOL nope, I'm just joking. Work's great today.
Today I had my first 'meeting' with my boss. What so special about this meeting is that it was done mano-a-mano style. In a way we had to confront him one-on-one. Just like playing game, at boss level, where you had to confront the boss on your own. Or something like that.
BUT!!! (again with the but thing)
That's not the real story (yeah of course ebal everybody wants to know the real story)
Okay so apparently today something really interesting and stupid happened that made me constantly smiling and bursting out loud for no damn reason. Okay so there was this one reason, but still....
So it was around 8-8.30 PM, and I was thinking of burgers and stuffs (food of course) and thought that I'll be needing to go out of The Store to get some cheap and tasty burgers. So off I set to a new journey. Muahahahaha...
Out of sudden... Okay it's not that sudden that my heart jumped to my throat because I saw this two girls from afar, just that I didn't expecting them to actually noticed me. Anyway one girl is tall, not-that-thin, and was wearing a red t-shirt, while the other was wearing both black (or dark-coloured I can't really tell) t-shrit and jeans, with a heavy jewellery going on.
(Note for readers. The girl in red has this serious and freaking scary face going on and that Girl In Black has this insecure (reason for insecurity is still yet to be discovered) looking face. And sweet too I had to add.)
Okay so after this would be the conversation between me and the girls, or should I say the red girl.
Legend :
Me ---> ebal
The red girl ---> gurl
gurl : Ahh adek, boleh tanya sikit tak?
ebal : Ahh, boleh.
gurl : Ahh adek nie masih belajar lagi ke?
ebal : Ahh ha'ah (mengangguk)..
gurl : Oh ok, tingkatan berapa ek? Secondary ke primary?
ebal : (realising that I had actually finished schooling) Oh tak, tak. Saya dah habis SPM dah.
gurl : Ohh... Ok sekarang ni adek buat ape?
ebal : Ohh sekarang nie saya bekerja sekarang.
gurl : Oh! Bekerja. Kerja ape?
ebal : Kenapa? (I was afraid that both that girls were sadist so I had to keep my personal info, well, personal)
gurl : Tak de lar, sajer jer nak tau.
ebal : Saya kerja kat dalam kedai kasut.
gurl : Oh kedai kasut. Kat dalam the Store nie lar?
ebal : Ahh, ha'ah. Kat basement.
gurl : Oh ok. Umm adek beminat tak kalau nak join kursus penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris?
ebal : (smiling, or smirking) Umm kursus penguasaan Bahasa Inggeris? Takpe lar kak...
gurl : Oh, ni kira dah fluent lar nie. Dah pandai sangat lar English nie? (she speaks in a very critisizing tune that sounded more like she was scrutinising me, in a fierce way of course)
ebal : Nak kate fluent sangat tu, boleh lar jugak nak cakap biasa-biasa tu. Insyaallah lar saya fluent berbahasa Inggeris nie.
gurl : Oh really? Are you that good in English? What other foreign language do you know?
(she spoke too fast that I only get the 'good' and 'foreign language' part)
ebal : Umm (I was squirming here because I was totally unprepared and was very uncomfortable talking to a person that looks like wanting to eat me, literally) I did learnt Mandarin a few years back, but it's not THAT good as my English. And my Bahasa of course.
*At this point I was smiling and grinning at the same time that I looked as if I was pretty nervous about it. And the Girl In Black was tugging the red girl's arm, in a way saying that she picked the wrong guy*
gurl : Umm, okay lar kalau macam tu.. Terima kaseh yer?
ebal : Okay. You are very welcome.
And that was exactly what happened. Pretty much.
Note : I did add some words (or sentences) here and there to make it more real,
although it is totally not the real and same dialog.
Anyway, you have the idea right? And after that I was smiling and laughing, amazingly, all thanks to the red girl. Well, of course it is bad to laugh at one's mistake (or attitude that brought her just what she might need to get her head back from the skies), but it was very funny that I had too. And also pretty stupid, let's not forget about that part.
And so that was the story. So what do you think? Have you ever had any experience like this, or other experience that just won't let you down when you need some good laughing?
Leave a comment or do a respond post for me and link it in your comment below or whatever.
Thanks for reading. (^^,)
1 comment:
Kcian red riding hood~~
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