That would be, in total awesomeness, my most anticipated WORD VERIFICATION ever!
But of course, it is, by the way, the most 'ANTICIPATED', and by that, I really meant that it had not happen yet.
(P/s : I've double checked the meaning just so that I'm sure that I didn't misuse some other word with a different meaning. Anyway, I got it right! Yay! It is very important not to show to the whole world that your level of linguistic is not that high despite your high achie....... I just did that, didn't I? OK. Here's the link)
Update : IF you guys ever wondered what this picture up here is all about, it's about a comment posting session in a blog, and the WORD VERIFICATION is 'retard'. Literally.
Don't you think that WORD VERIFICATION is just so creepy? I mean, in most ocassion, this WORD VERIFICATION seems to be able to trace my few last minutes conversation, be it in the Internet or the real world, and use it as the WORD VERIFICATION itself. Even the topics sometimes seems a little bit to close.
For example, just now I was chatting with a friend of mine who is stilll doing a foundation programme in Engineering in The University of Nottingham, in Malaysian campus. We were talking and taliking (or rather typing) and then I thought, 'Hey! Did I update my blog for today?'.
Not that it's a must for me, but, I just felt like doing it you know. So I opened up my blog, and start to figure out what I should right. So then, I thought, why not post it in Facebook?
So I posted at Facebook :
"Hrmm, who ever that is free can you please do me a charity by clicking all my ads in my blog repetatively until you're bored so that I can earn money and all you guys get is boredom?"
Note : The original post was in Bahasa Melayu, so I've translated it. Anyway, just telling....
And then I put up alink to my blog. And guess what? A WORD VERIFICATION showed up. And the word was
'so Foundation'
And I was like WTF did you spied on my chat just now, you damn WORD VERIFICATION!
Personally, I think the WORD VERIFICATION holds a lot of threat to the world. I mean think of it. What if, my hypothesis about the WORD VERIFICATION being able to trace your online chat is true. And when I post this entry, then the whole world would know about th horrid 'truth' of WORD VERIFICATION based on my experience. Then if one of my readers is a hacker (and for some reason I doubt it, but fate seems to hate me for no reason). And he seems to think that I got a point there (YAY I got a reader!). Then he hacked his way into the WORD VERIFICATION, and then he WHAMPED! and made everything that he needs to do, ZOOM! and he got what he needs, BAMM! and he could trace what we are saying and CRAP! everything is no longer private, all thanks to me.
Your welcome.
But, that is, IF. OH how I hate the power of that word. It's like a curse!
For example :
Boyfriend : Hye, do you wanna go out sometime?
Girlfriend : What do you mean? Like dating?
Boyfriend : Yeah dating...
Girlfriend : What is this not a date? Me going out with you?
Boyfriend : Of course it's a date
Girlfriend : Then why do you have to ask me on another date? I mean, we date like everyday.
Boyfriend : I don't know why I did that.
Girlfriend : .......
Boyfriend : Still, do you wanna go out with me?
Girlfriend : yeah sure.
Now that would be a total wreck-out-of-the-shit example, IF it was the real example. BUT HELL NO! That is so not the example. The example is here. Right now. You're reading it. See, IF I told you that the dialog wasn't the real example, then you wouldn't read it, but that is IF. I don't really know IF you will read it IF I really told you of my real intention.
I've just realized something. What IF, there are no readers on my blog? What IF, that visitor counter is just a fake? What IF, me writing this blog is just a waste of time? OMG I hate this part. IF only I didn't typed it down. Oh well, what to do...
I don't know why I ended kind of off track. But hey! Who cares? Well seriously, I don't. So....
Buhbye and see ya!
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