I don't have a single idea of what to write here and I don't really know what kind of snip-it I should put here. So I think you should really just
go to my previous post to know just what had happened to me when I went to Venice during my class trip.
If you believe that you're a moron. You're welcome!
The lift started to move. I ignored almost everything else as I know it would be damn long before it reaches the 23rd floor. Suddenly, the lift started to make like some stupid noise. And then.......
The lift jerked a bit. I looked up to the floor display when suddenly the lift stopped. On the display, it says P1 (parking). Seconds later, there was only two red line on the display. It looks something like this
Everybody suddenly started cursing, moaning (?), and sighing. I looked at N and F. They both wore a bored face. Maybe a bored face with a hint of worry. Maybe, because I was wearing the same face. I looked at the back. There were several guys starting to curse and swear. Several Chinese girls in the middle were talking loudly, in Chinese, obviously.
Behind me there were two Malay girls, doing nothing, as if like they don't give a damn about the lift stopping. Maybe they were too shocked to actually respond. You know, like seeing a damn huge snake, you'll probably freaked out more than you know, that when your brain screams RUN, all you could do is pee in your pants.
Or probably those girls already peed in their pants. I don;t know.
Since I was standing nearest to the button panel, I took the pleasure of hitting the alarm button and also the emergency call button. I did that for like some good 10 - 15 seconds when finally realized just how annoying those buttons can be. I stopped hitting the button and stand there thinking why it had to be me.
F looked at me, and said
"Rugi R takde kat sini..."
I couldn't agreed more. He should have been there. At least I can make fun of him. That sounded bad. Moving on...
About several seconds later, I suddenly remembered something. I looked up, up above the display panel. There, pasted on the lift's wall, high above the panel, was a noticed, by the maker of the lift. Sadly, I seriously thought the maker of the lift, or at least the company, was called the 'Moron Institution'. The name is Daison Khruedpt.
Note: Since I am not planning to pay or have any kind of law suits, I've tried my best in translating the real name into somewhat Japanese. Don't ask me why. But in case if you're wondering how, I used my imagination.
The notice somehow doesn't appeal to anyone. Actually I was wondering just how many people knew about the note. I mean, the note was placed in a place too high that is not convenient for people to read. You either had to awkwardly cramped your neck just to read it, or stand at the back wall of the lift just to notice it, but by then you can't really read it. Unless if you have a pair of magnifying and X-ray eyes.
Don't ask me why X-ray. Anyway, I knew about the notice because I've clearly read it once. And also since I don't really care about cramping my neck in an awkward way. So be it. I took out my phone, but then I glanced to F. I told him to call that company. He said his phone is out of credit.
Gosh, we should all just use postpaid instead of prepaid. Especially when we are all bound to have emergencies. Anyway, I called the number that the notice provided. There was not much of signal in the lift, but still I ignored it and call. Sadly, my phone can't connect, the line was suddenly cut off.
Annoyed, I tried again. While waiting for the line to connect, I heard some of the jerks at the back making some stupid jokes about calling a Dato' or something. I just don't get it. The line connected, and it got me talking to a male receptionist.
"Daison Khruedpt emergency help line. How can I help you?"
Well, you can help me by changing the whole freaking lifts here in the apartment, was what came to my mind. "Umm, we kind of in the lift, and the lift is stuck". He asked me in which building. That question left me wondering just how many building they had supplied with their totally stupid lift services.
He also asked just how many people were there in the lift. I told him 15. I should have told him "3 guys, 7 girls, and 5 morons". Lucky for me the morons know that when people are talking to their phone, they should keep their mouth shut. The receptionist told me that he would send someone as soon as possible, that we should not panic, and also that it would probably take a little bit of time.
Time is exactly what we really do mind. Well, at least me. I glanced at my watch, and it was 8 something, I don't really remember. I put my bag on the floor, along side to my bottle. Curious about the door, I told N to help me open the lift's door. He looked at me, tried a little bit, and left me pushing the door alone. Lucky me, F got my back, or should I say, the other side of the door.
The door opened a little bit, so I put my hand in between them and pulled the door open. I thought I could see something like the other side of the door. Sadly, what's in front of me was a cement wall covered with a layer of zinc, two pictures drawn using a blue marker pen, and about an inch and a half of the door on level P1.
At least the other member of the lift was very glad that the door was finally opened. They was afraid that we was in an air-tight lift, and we had to share a limited supply of oxygen. Knowing that we were stucked with a group of moron suddenly got me worried over the same thing.
Time passes by. The silent girl behind me got tired of waiting, and she pressed the alarm button and the call button. If something was meant to happen, it surely had happened. But then again, I spoke too soon. About a year later (being in a lift filled with people surely had made the time flies even faster, probably at the speed of light), we all heard something from a loud speaker located slightly above the button panel.
What we heard can be described as the static noise that we usually hear from the radio, usually when the signal is not too good. The loud speaker went on crackling up, but no exact words can be heard. So I ignored it and started to worry about other things, namely, nothing.
As I mentioned earlier, the wall, or actually, the zinc layer have had two drawings on it, made using a blue marker. I was fascinated by it, and one of the Moron Five mentioned that there had to be others who were stuck on the same position as we were. That was a very clever deduction.
After another 15 years, I asked F if he had Mr. D's number. Mr. D is our management representative. And by our, I meant my fellow S University's students. Every students who were placed there by the university hostel's management were under Mr. D's supervision.
Luckily, F do have. Actually I know he have that number, because he had repeatedly left his keys in his locked room. Clever guy, ain't he? Anyway, he gave me Mr. D's number and I rang him up. I was trying to tell him the situation we're in, when he suddenly told me to hold on. I couldn't even make out what he was trying to say, but suddenly I heard the phone was being put down, a baby cried, and Mr. D's voice telling that kid to shut the hell up.
That's rude. He didn't say that. That was just me trying to act a little bit of aggressive. Anyway, he probably calmed down his baby, and then he spoke to me. He asked me what happened, how it happened, who was with me, and whatnot. At the end, he told me not to panic, and that he'd make sure that help would be there as soon as possible.
As far as I can remember, including Mr. D's 'don't panic' pep talk, that's the 2nd one. And I would really like to emphasis that I was not panic, just annoyed to the fact that freaking lift was broken.
Looking at the boring zinc-layered wall, I decided that I wanted to cheer up the solemn wall. I took out my own black marker pen, and thinked of what to write on the grey wall. After some thinking, I wrote;
"Stuck here on 27th January 2011"
I was thinking about adding something like "On the year iPad was made available in our country, we were still stuck in lifts...". I was pretty sure that will do the trick in showing just how pathetic it was to still be stuck in an elevator, but then again, oh who cares?
After that, or should I say, after what seems to be a century later, the morons on the back started making some noise. Again. Well, I think I've skipped some of the noises they made because I really don't want to highlight just how annoying it was, and I also would love to reduce the number of made-up stories in my already packed with made-up stories. Sheesh.
Anyway, like I told you earlier, one of the guys own an iPhone, I think. Anyway, these guys were acting all clever and they tried to 'shoot' the door open, via their iPhone guns app. I hated it. All sounds no action, It's like the dog who barked at the hill. Or maybe, they are more like the hyenas who laughed at the lion. Don't get it? Try imagine the lion is eating a dead bull, and the hyenas are just laughing from a distant.
Don't you think this post is going to be a hell lot longer? I think this post is long enough, so I'll make a quick end to this. By giving you an awkward, out-of-the-place, summary of the whole stories, at the end of the post, in a single paragraph.
Summary: We took the lift, the lift stucked. Everybody wasn't panic but instead grew tired of this lift ordeal. I called the 'brilliant' elevators' company, he said help will be there A.S.A.P. The 5 morons in the elevator were acting like what their name suggest they would. My friend and I opened the door of the elevator only to reveal proves of living organisms there, which we all suggest, victims of the stupid elevator. I called Mr. D who was clearly have not enough hand to help us out. I called the company again, he told me '30 minutes'. After spending roughly about 40 minutes in the lift, help finally arrived. We got out of the lift somewhere around 9.30 PM.
Gosh, If I knew the whole story can be cut into a single paragraph, I would have done it earlier. Or maybe I just like to exaggerate stuffs and also highlight the undeserving parts of the story. Did I tell you that 'prince charming on a white horse' is so gay? Hrm, never thought about it that way, have you? Daa~~