Monday, February 14, 2011


Guess what? It's Valentine's Day bitch! And I'm still single.


Anyway, yesterday was my not-that little-and-oversize younger sister. So, well, happy birthday!

I don't know why but we (Muslims) are not allowed to celebrate Valentine's day because Valentine was supposed to be a saint and clearly a day that is to celebrate a clergyman is not a day to be celebrated by any Muslims. But still when my friend yelled "Happy Valentine's Day", wear a huge grin, shocked my hand, and made a hand hug, who am I to say,

"Fuck off I don't do Valentine's Day, okay?"

Someone argued saying that us Muslims are not a loving community just because we don't celebrate Valentine's day. Well, if that's the case, I am very sorry. I never knew that to be a part of the community who are all loving, understanding, can feel pain and love at the same time, we have to celebrate Valentine's Day just for the heck of it.

Then again, who cares if you celebrate it or not right? I mean, why are you treating someone who you claimed to love oh-so-dearly so special today when you have the rest of the 355 and a quarter day to tell him/her that you love him? OMG I tell you, people and their mentality just makes you wonder why, why, and why?!

Also I had my first Chemistry topic test today. I don't know how to say it. I mean it was not that hard, then again it might have been just as hard as I think it might have not. Understand? Well, whatever. For all I know I still have a lot of research projects to finish, and by a lot I mean every freaking subject. 

It is kind of stupid, and it really does left me wondering. I mean, why the hell do we need to do a research for Mathematics? Isn't it kind of, weird? Well, at least it is for me. Maths are supposed to be about numbers and not about doing surveys and reports. 

Anyway wanna hear about my Maths research? Well, my teammates and I have agreed on doing a research that is related to Valentine's day, again, just for the heck of it. So we are now doing a research on the relationship between taking your time to know somebody before you guys become official and the length of your relationship.

So basically, we're saying that the longer you took the time to know somebody, to know them well enough before you know you're in love, the longer you're relationship will last. Hopefully. I had done a little bit of my survey - each of us had to do 20 surveys - and somehow it proves it right. Although I might add that all the 'victims' had probably never experience 'real love'.

Neither do I, so that's gotta suck.

Do you guys believe in true love? Like, really really true love. Not that "OMG I freaking love you that if someone throw a grenade at you I'll throw the grenade back at them" kind of true love.The kind of true love where you know it's there, and you both feel it, but then again it's too far for you to reach?

I don't know why but that last sentence made me sick. Anyway, my version of true love is what I've shared with my brother. I'm not talking about we sharing the same 'true love' but more like we're sharing the same understanding of 'true love'. God, I hate you guys. 

And myself.

Anyway, we don't really believe in love, to begin with. What we believe is more about 'friendship', and how from 'friendship', when you know you've both met the right guy, it will change into 'special friendship'. These 'special friendship' is more than that of a normal 'friendship', thus the 'special', but it does wonder.

I've always wondered myself, what happened to a girl/boy who was dumped by the other half? Do they avoid each other? What happened then when they go to the same school? Or worst, the same class? Do they avoid each other, treat each other like they had never talked to each other? Does all the effort of knowing each other and being there just to keep each other accompanied, laughing at one's joke really does ends when you break up?

Thus what I believe in. 'Special friendship'. It is kind of like 'lover' but instead of claiming that guy to be the love of your life, you say that you have a 'special someone'. Sounds cliche and everything, but at least you don't have to do things that you didn't do before.

Like before, when you were just 'friends' you make jokes, you hurt each other, crawl at their nerves, you know, those things you do just to annoy the hell out of your friend. But when you become lovers, everything change. You have to text each others, keep the other half updated to the littlest, stupidest thing you're doing. That surely sucks.

But with my 'special friend' I don't have to. I can still annoy the hell out of her, I can still make stupid jokes about her and her bad habits, but because of the connection we share, it make things more, well, special in a way. This sounds so cheeky and cheesy and very salesman-like. 

Anyway, it is what I believe, although I have not achieved it yet. It might take time, finding that 'special someone', nobody said it doesn't, but the time loss in knowing one another by heart is a time gain in keeping the relationship alive. This is cheesy too, thank you.

Well, at least this is what I believe and how I sees it. So what is your definition of love? I hope it is not sex and love-bite, 'cause if that is all you see in love, girl, you gotta go and find a counselor A.S.A.P.

So, in the end, all I wanna talk about was that 1) Yesterday was my giant little sister's birthday, and 2) Today is Valentine's day and I don't give a damn about it. It is just a normal, boring, and stupid day anyway. You're welcome, buhbye! 

P/s: I am so not condemning today because I never have a 'special someone' before, or because I'm a Muslim, or because I have no love. I just don't see the point of today. Anyway tomorrow is Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.'s birthday, so make sure you pray for him, if you are a Muslim and you're creeping in my blog, looking for nothing. 


Wan said...

blog kau membuatkan aku terniat nak menulis! hahaha~ =)

Aiman Power lagi Cute lagi Gagah Perkasa said...

Woiii bal~!! PANJANGGGGGGGGG gler post pasal cinta nii... mmg anti betol ea...

well, yup2.. bagus... (^____^)

Iqbal Ismail said...

Syazwan, tlg lar... Grammy Award tu best k? Sbb ade lady gaga nyer lagu baru weeeeee

Aiman power lagi cute lagi gagah perkasa *gag* *puke* *roll on the floor* *die* huh! *breathe* susah gile sebut nama ko naseb bek tak mati (^0^)

Ikhwan said...

thumbs up

Ninoxy said...

sangat menarik!
Hari tuh kat puncak alam ade buat ceramah pasal REMAJA dan SEKSUALITI..
Mmg sgt menarik! Aku nk kongsi ape yg penceramh tuh tekankan time ceramah tuh... dia kata

"Kamu x layak ckp tentang cinta kepada KEKASIH kamu, jika kamu x paham erti cinta kepada IBU BAPA kamu!"

hahahah.. ni yg buatkan aku nk kongsi jgk apa yg aku dpt time ceramah tuh kat dlm blog.. hahah.. tulis~ tulis~


I Like this!

Haniz Iqbal Hazaidi said...

SENGAL!! bal menarik gila post ko! congrats!(for you post). Lady Gaga(lame taste) hahahahahaha