I don't know why, but for this few weeks, or maybe this few months, I found it hard to update my blog. And sadly, it's becoming even harder. LOL that sounded sexy. Anyway, I have like 6 drafts with what I meant to share with the whole world only to found out that my story is only half-way through when I finally realized I'm bored with it and/or I've forgotten the whole story or the excitement I was supposed to share.
News flash. This is clearly a hell-hectic week. Certainly this week. Last Saturday I went to Semenyih to visit the camp-site for our Islamic Student Leadership Camp this coming weekends. That, I tell ya, is damn tiring. The place is too deep, there's no tarred road, only a simple jungle track huge enough to let at most a lorry in. There's too much rock, and waaay too much trees. Well, what too expect it is a jungle anyway.
NOTE: Okay I know I said "waaay too much trees", and I know that that had certainly made me sounded like some kind of trees hater and intend to end the life of all plants in this world, but don't worry, I'm not. In fact I love trees. I just hate them when they plan to hit me in the face while I'm struggling to record a video of the hardship of getting to the camp-site via a vidcam. Note the intended pun there.
But, alas, like all fairy tales, they all lived happily ever after. My God, what I'm talking about? I mean, like all fairy tales, we've found our happy ending. The place is extremely beautiful.... Okay I lied. It's not that beautiful but it's okay, I guess. There's a lot of construction going on though. The thing is, the camp that we were supposed to go just happened to be beside our religion teacher's (ustazah) piece of land. Or maybe her pieces of land, I don't know it's huge, that's for sure.
At that place, there are sheeps, chickens, goose (DINOSAUR!!!), dogs who befriended with a cat, and also a cat who befriended with a dog. So cute. Oh, and there's this thing that have the same colour like cucumber only that it has a pear shape and it has thorns on it. I asked my ustazah and she said it's cucumber. I'm sure she's lying.
Nothing happened much though on the camp-site. Clearly, since it is just a visit. Anyway, we had quite a good time. For the first time, I've interacted with a guy who's always in my apartment but then again keeps quite a distant from me. But hey, all things are good when we're on the outside right? Thus to know, say, a girl you like but never talked to would mean that you have to take her out, then you'll know them better right?
Gosh, for some reason I felt like I'm directing all of you guys on a very wrong, twisted direction. Let's move on.
Yesterday I presented a forum for my Islamic Studies Class. It's quite good though, for something that was prepared an hour before that. My part at least, since I was the moderator for my team. Haha, I got to tell you, that's the easiest thing in the world. Just make sure that you know who is talking about what, listen to what they have to say, and crap about what they have just said. Nice~
Today is even better. I presented for my English class, for our theme studies. Luckily, we only have one theme, and that is JUSTICE & INJUSTICE. The sad thing is that my team went for the first group, like, for the whole class. So it was quite nerve wrecking. But once I was done with the slides and entered the Q&A session, I think I was, somehow, in peace.
Wanna know what question we did?
"Peace can only be found if a person is able to overcome injustice. Do you agree?"
Well, it's quite good I must say. The presentation I mean. Although there are a few things that my classmates pointed out that clearly need to be amended.
Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to seat for my Maths topic test. This time it's about probability, one of those topics I really like, since we hardly need any calculator. Unless if it is a "at least one..." question. Well, even if I put it here it's not like you're gonna understand it right? Right.
Then this Thursday I'm having my Biology topic test. This one, I tell you, is hard. Damn hard. The last topic test I scored 94%, which sets quite a high standard for me, myself. Thanks, myself. You've done so much to hurt this fragile, little boy. Anyway, I'm not sure if I'm gonna score as good as the previous topic test, but I'm keeping everything in my body twisted, just for the heck of it.
Friday would be my topic test for Chemistry A. I'm not gonna talk about this one, since I'm going to seat for my second second topic test. Hate it. But will try hard to strive at it.
Then it's CAMP DAY! YAAAYY!!
Lucky me I'm one of the committee so I don't have to do most of the activities that all the losers have to HAHAHAHAHAHAHA *evil laugh*. But the sad thing is that I have to do even more things than the losers since I'm one of the committee. Sigh. Life really know how to get back at ya, don't you think?
I don't know how to end this so I think it'll be better if I tell you guys a story. Just now, like the past 15 minutes, I was in the toilet. Peeing. And guess what? There's blood mixed with my pee! I called my Dad, and based on his experience (please, my Dad has only 1 kidney left and God knows how many time he had blood mixed in his pee), he said that probably I also got kidney stone, and some are trying to escape and that caused the bloodied pee. He said he's gonna take me to do an X-ray tomorrow.
UPDATE!: There's no more blood! Although the pee wouldn't come out. I practically have to force them out. Sheesh!