Thursday, March 17, 2011


I really do feel like a champion today. I've posted at least three posts today, all which was staying for free in my draft, wanting to be set free. Freedom. Okay whatever. Anyway if in case you were to read that other three posts, be sure to take note that I just add a few sentences to it so that I can end it without really finishing the whole story, or without sounding like I don't know what I've typed last month.

That sounded a bit depressing. I think I wanna be a champion today.

So I've received my JPA money. AT LAST! It's not as much as what my Honey Bee got, which was double the amount that I got, but hey who cares, right? Well, no, actually I care and I hate it. 

But don;t worry I'm not gonna complain how unfair life is and why people get more money than we do and way lot faster than we do when we are the nearest university to JPA but still those in Sarawak had not just received double the amount that we received, twice as fast, and seriously twice, since the first one was their last semester money, and within weeks later they received this sem's allowance. God I hate it. 

But nevertheless, I did received the money. I've bought a new phone. Again. And this time I made sure to buy a phone for my Dad too. He is currently undergoing dialysis, since his kidneys are all bad, I mean his kidney since he only has one left. Anyway, I bought two and that made me a poor guy. Like I've always been.

I've spent like RM 1800.00 in matters of A week. ONE week. SEVEN days. That's cool right? The moment I've become rich is the moment I've become poor. or maybe I such say it like this. No matter how much money there is in my account I am still not that rich. Yep, that sounded way better.

Well, whatever. I think I'm going to end this post here, for I have a writer's block.

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