NOTE: If you guys don't have a single idea what 'alt' means, then I guess you guys don't Youtube as much as I did. Anyway, you might want to begin from here if you haven't read the original ending. Chiao~~ (Chiao is goodbye right?)
In a very awkward way I tried to end this post with a statement that I had read an article about phallus without offering even a simple explanation. But then again, here I am trying to sort things out.
Well I kinda found out about that article when I tried to figure out what 'phallic structure' really is, or rather why would a man in a certain comic (not classifying it into a manga or a normal comic) be totally upset when his whole bad day ended with a greeting by a basket filled with mushrooms that have 'undeniably phallic structure'.
Despite knowing that I might end up in 'bad influences' sites, I still go on and search the word 'phallic' through the Internet rather than the old way (dictionary) because the Internet is filled with stuff, both bad, good, and a bad-good (or a good-bad, if you may).
Anyways, for the thousandth time I would like to bid thank you for those who have been loyal to my blog (either or not you read any of my posts T^T ). I really am trying my best to at least have the decency to actually do my blog post as frequently as I can. Thank you for your support!
Does anyone here knows Fred Figglehorn? I knida like him.
Kinda. Seriously (-____-'''). Okay then! But you know what I really like? Bruno Mars songs. His songs kinda talk to me. I mean I can clearly listen to his songs and his words thus the conclusion of talking or hearing a song talk is really not that too far-fetched, compared to an air-borne HIV/AIDS.
And I'm thinking of studying sign language. My reason for that is probably because you'll never know when you'll be having an impaired brain. Or maybe you are stuck in a place where all the people don't speak English nor Malay, because they all can't speak but they know sign language. I clearly am watching way too much TV.
P/s: Doesn't this alternate ending look a little bit too long when they are add up to my original post?
P/p/s: Does anyone ever use p/p/s?
P/p/p/s: The note in P/p/s was actually stolen from a site where I read it. It was suppose to be a joke, a really clever joke. And I <3 it!
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