You might not believe your eyes, if balloons have what you called ass.... And no, this is not a Owl City-April-Fool-spoof song that I did. In fact, I've never done any spoof...
And if you ever believed that, HAPPY APRIL FOOL!!!
Anyways, what I'm about to show to you next is not a spoof, nor an APRIL FOOL thingy, despite I'm unnecesarily capitilazing the APRIL FOOL (there, I did it again), I really do mean it.
This might sounded pretty awfully stupid and bad and pedophilic at times, but it's true.
And you know what? There's no other fricking awesome way to prove this newly discovered scientific prove of an excretory organ of a BALLOON then some pictures*. And I swear, this pictures are not some made-up Big Foot picture that I pretty believe that they took it for April Fool purpose.
*Head ups!!! These pictures are not to be spread, and some censorship had to been done as to perserve the dignity of these people who created a balloon with an asshole. Also so that I won't be facing any law suit of what so ever. *cross-finger*

Like what I told you earlier... I HAD to do some censorship, well, since I'm NOT the owner.
And that would be the most iconic noodle (a.k.a mee) lover I've ever seen chosen as a mascot!
And here is where all the truth willl come right at you and eat you up like your some Chinnese dish! Ummm, YUMMY!
"See, I told you it's an as*hole!"
I'm NOT a pedophilia!
Okay, I know this may look crazy, BUT I just want to prove that i wasn't only pressing the balloon really hard, you know? Because, well, balloon do have elasticity, but if you can stuck a spoon half way through what I believe as an rectum, then it surely seems like that balloon can supposedly crap.
So there you have it. I would like to do a big THANKYOU-shout out to my sister who conviniently brougth this little demon back home after buying some clothes for her little monster. I wonder where she got this balloon...
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