First off, I might want to tell you that that smiley on the title is not appropriate, given that 'depression' is depressing and a (^o^) is such a happy face. BUT (there's always a but), that is my way of telling the whole world of me having mixed feeling, by using18 characters instead of a normla way to type 'mixed feelings' which is only 13 characters because I like to do such thing alot.
Okay enough of all this 'mixed emotions' crap.
Or maybe not. Okay it's not done yet! Well actually earlier this mornig I had been thinking about having a specific days of posting in this bog of mine. And I have agreed with my inner-self that I'll do blog posting post on my blog on every MONDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY. (There are no concrete reason as to why I humangified that days...)
And here is a pictuer of my inner-self! I call him Fudgy!
Okay. So now the real reason behind this mixed feelings of mine. I had been doing this blog (is it doing? or managing) ever since I was a little boy 2008, but back then, everything was so sh*tty and also lame that even now I am very ashame of myself. Years after that, and also after some gruesome blog-hopping and mind-blowing MMORPG action, I am now who I am.
Or at least I do think that this is me. I mean, if this is NOT me, than who am I? Hrm, that sounded familiar...
The point is, 3 years and all i got is 14 followers. And I am very upset with this. Well maybe the fact is that most of friends are not very eager to read my blog. Maybe the real fact is that my blog is boring and that my inner-self (Mr. FUDGY!!) had alsways told me that my blog is superb and it needed more burgers in it so that everyone would love it.
Maybe burgers will do...
And some of my friends who have been secretly following my blog (when I'm not jumping around Facebook trying to get evrybody read my blog and hoping that they might just click the ads I got all up on my blog just so that they can irritate me more), had been posting on ther walls saying that 'this guy's blog is the best' and that they became a fan of that guy's fanclub is very annoying and somehow irritates me more than spams.
But then again, I always tell myself (and Mr. Fudgy) that life is like a huge doughnut. Sometimes you're this thick, huge piece of doughnut with a mouth watering topping made of rich chocolate with all of the sweetiness and rich flavour in a rich container (which literally mmeans that it IS a rich doughnut), and some other time you're just this stupid piece of doughnut not worth eating because you're expired. But it all ends up the same. It all turns into crap. And then flushed down the toilet bowl. Poor doughnut.
Hahaha. Whatever it is I do hope that life, mine especially, will not end in the toilet bowl. Beacuse that will certainly sucks. And stinks too.
But whatever that my life may come across with, and even if my blog will never be famous,
I will never stop writing here. And if I do stop, that surely means that I am currently sitting on the toilet bowl minding my own business.
And as a finishing touch, BURGER!!
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