Friday, April 30, 2010


Sometimes, when we are at the television, all we ever wanted were less ads, more action, and no more reruns.

And if that really do happen, I do believe that we will all be dead by noon. But the reality is, thank God, we all are still living (because you are currently reading my post), and tv's never missed any reruns.

Television programmes nowadays are crap. Too dramatic, lousy CGI's, laughable dialogues, dull and crappy jokes, unimaginable fantasies, and not to mention a very sick plot and predictable ending. But still, even after all those stuffs, we all are still stuck with our television set, too scared to actually throw it out. Because if you really do throw out your television set, man, you're CRAZY!

So here are the few reasons why t.v.'s these days sucks and full of craps.

1) Modern Age Dolby 3D Surround Sound System. Not.

There's this one channel, which I will not reveal the name, has this one tiny problem with their sound system. It sucks. The thing is there this sudden high-pitched sound, which last about two seconds, that goes like an two octave higher than it goes three octave lower than normal then back to normal.

And what made it even more worse is that is so-called glitch happened for like everyday, for every show, every 10 seconds or so, even in ads! And amazingly, nobody else is bothered by this glitch thing. Not even people from the channel thingy. So, I made a conclusion. It's a 'watermark' for  t.v. shows and ads. And since they don't want to mess up the whole scene of the movie or show or ad, so they made the 'watermark' in their sound. What a nice idea guys!

2) Déjà vu

Seen that movie for how many time already by now? Well, they just don't really care. Not even moved by the fact that each year, the Hollywood movie industries made more than 20 internationally box office movie, the Bollywood movie industries on the other hand just can't get enough hands to do the counting for them. Yet, it's still the same movie, year after year. Name it, we'll probably haven't seen it yet, because the same movie is still playing. I wonder when they're going to play Kick-Ass on national t.v? I hoped by that time I still can walk without any walking stick.

3) Live. *Glitch*. We'll be back right back after this.

Hah! Talk about big events. Normally big events are live. Well, big events, locally though. And still, after all this years, big events that are sponsored by huge sponsors and affiliates always have glitches happening here and there. Be it at the venue the big event is happening, or at home. For example,

a) Mute. The singer is singing her heart out, and all people see is that she's gasping for air.

b) Wrong timing. The announcers are all done talking, but sadly, the slide just won't come out. Stage fright I guess.

c) Black-out. Especially viewers from home. We experienced this once in a while, don't we? We're very entertained by the bad jokes then out of sudden, the screen starts to frizzle out(?) and then there's a message saying that 'We are sorry for the inconvinience. We'll be right back in a while'. Coffee break!

d) Lazy ass. This is the cameramen especially. They're too lazy to actually zoom to the backward because they didn't think that the award winner is actually seated at the back. What? The front rows are winners only? Hell no!

4) Lo que hizo, dijo?

And that's what I actually said after hearing that. What? And if you understand German , you suck because that's Spanish. Translation these days sucks. Eventhough Google made an epic move in providing translation for various languages that still haven't covered all the languages in the world, translator for television programmes sucks. I mean, well, not to brag, but I do know my English, and for some normal(?) shows aired here in Malaysia, these translation are just some sore in the eyes. Yet, I still looked at them, despite understanding everything spoken by the actor/actress. And still, there got to be some wrong translation done, that are very simple yet magically translated wrongly by these  translators. Seems like you guys need an English Improvement class

5) Is that even supposed to be a story?

Yup. Some stories are just TOO hillarious that I can't actually take it for real. Especially those that are supposed to be a sci-fi or action story. It sucks. I just can't write about it anymore.

6) *speechles*

But there are stories out there that just ticks the crap out of me. And by that I meant to say that I just LOVE them! These includes love story that have the novel-like edge. Horror story that have a great camera-view and a great suspens/thriller duo-action. The kind of stories that actually made you gasping, itching, hoping for more (erotic). These are the stories that made me speechles. Bad stories made me switch channels.    

7) Flamboyant.

Have you been watching the t.v recently? Noticed anything cocky, by any chance? Hahaha straight to the point, it's not straight at all. It's gay. It's very disturbing when you actually watched shows or movies or even ads and noticed that there are a foul-smell of homosexuallity being embeded into these things. And I just finding it hard to actually think that they are getting more attention. Not that I have anything against gays, it's just that, well, we are in Malaysia, and for that reason, gay sucks here. So why are they conquering the t.v.? A question that I have to ask.

Even these guys are controversial to me.

And that are the few things about television these days that are just so bad, and wrong, and bad, and wrong. But seriously, if we can really achieve a time where there are less ads and more good story, I'll be a total potato-couch by then. But for now, let's just hopes for the best.

Note : I suddenly realised that there are sites that actually helps you to rank you blog, based on they're amazingly accurate database (I'm just saying!). Right now, I'm checking my rank at Alexa. And form the look of it, I sucks. But still, thanks for your time to read my post. I appreciate it as much as I appreciate safe sex! Thanks a lot!   

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