Sunday, February 21, 2010






You know what? That is the title of what was supposed to be my story.

Anyway! I'm living my life ever so happily! Yay!


OMG intolerable and mixed feelings.(-___-''')
Ok actually my PC is a crap that only deserve to be in a junk yard somewhere in the middle of nowhere.

Does that made any sense? Well it does when you have a crap as your PC.

Argh Tension

Oh yeah I have a news for you, even if you don't want to know about it. I had just joined Mr. Harry's Harry Business Solution. And when I said joined I mean that I had to pay an amount of money so that I can join it. RM 189.00. A LARGE amount, truth be told.

But luckily it is considered as a deposit. You see, the job practically wants you to mail somewhat people/organisation catalogue or whatever. Be reminded, MAIL, not E-MAIL. So, yeah, we need all those hard copy of those catalogue or whatever, so that's what your RM 189.00 (or actually mine)
is for.

Whatever. I don't really care about it.


I don't care about it that I was cared enough to actually checked before hand whether Harry Business Solution (ent.) was really a company at all. And the verdict? It is a company.

So now, I am waiting for my first packages to come by my home so that I can trash it out. Hahahaha OK I'm just joking. (-___-''')

Wish me luck! Thanks for reading.

I'm Dead

P/s : I'm so sorry that I haven't updating my blog for some while, although I know I am actually apologising to no one except for my self. Whatever...

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