Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Computer Games are FREAKING ADDICTIVE!

Yup! You heard that right. What all mommies, preferably women, told you are true. As a matter of fact, who ever that told you that, wasn't lying. Nor would he/she try to make you stop from playing computer games and get your *ss out to play some HAZARDOUS games outside.

I know some of you may read this through, or maybe just the title, and thought, 'Meeehh, it's not THAT bad! Besides, it's just a game'. I know, I know. *sigh*.

BUT(!) to tell you the truth I am currently ADDICTED to games. And the severe consequence has deeply impacted my blogging activity. Resulting in a nonexistance of blog post for cosecutive days for no actual reason. Unless, if you count playing MapleStory as an actual reason.

Well, I guess I do.

Anyway, that's not the main point of these blog post. What I'm trying to say is, play all you want. Get addicted to games. And if your mom scold you and start talking to you about school and/or making money (optional : getting married), you can face her, and tell her in a cute blonde-y style,

"At least I'm not addicted to drugs. That can surely kill me"

Oh and don't forget to smile. It brings out the idea of your true intention even better.


The e-mail is from Don, from Workforced. You can go and check him out 'cause he is off the hook (and into the water you go!). 

Actually I don't really know what am I doing here, ranting and mumbling about stupid stuffs, but I do know one thing, I LOVE PLAYING MapleStory! YEAH!!

So yeah, there you have it. Ok then, buhbye for now! See ya!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


O.H. M.Y. B.L.O.G.

Haha I loved that one. Anyway, YEAHHHH I CAN DRAW TOO!!!

Umm you probably had noticed that from the title. But I really do like to repeat it.

And to prove myself (although I doubt having to do it for any reason), I'll so you a picture of my pet when he is okay and happy.

Okay, okay, I know. WTF YOUR PET'S A DINOSAUR???! Hell, yeah no! Get a grip it's only a drawing. Gosh how old are you? And here's another picture of my pet (not) when he is drunk high and dry, or probably when he is boring.

There's something off with that picture, though. Why is he smiling?

So yeah, now you know. I CAN DRAW TOO!!!

But all in all, I don't draw as good as Allie.. SHE'S THE GREATEST, AWESOMEST, TWISTEDEST MS PAINTER I'VE EVER KNOWN!

Okay I should to stop now, so that I can go and clean myself. I've made a mess with all these paint.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Don't Stop For Me...


Ok so originally I was going to do a post anyway. I've already had a title, which was supposed to be my original post title...

But then something happened.

And that something is not what we all would want it to happen in your life, be it now, or in your after life.

My brother got back from anywhere he had been and started asking about money that he doesn't own.

Ok, wait. I know I sounded kind of pa... papha... OMG I"VE FORGOT HOW TO SPELL P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C... 


Back to my story, no, I don't care how you think I sounded like. Because I know the real story. The real deal.

And to justify my statement, I'll tell the whole world the true story.

It was his engagement, but I had to pay for the travelling expenses, I have only like MYR30.00, he had to paid, but it was logically under his expenses because it was HIS engagement thing not mine, and now he wanted me to pay him back his money with MY money for no reason that can actually convince me to dance with only my boxers in front of a 1000 anonymous crowd.

OK the dancing with boxer thing is not the story, but if you really do read it thoroughly, you'll understand my story.

So that's the example of stuffs that you really won't want it to happen in any of your lifes. But sadly enough you only have one life in this world. (FUDGE YOU REINCARNATION!!!)

And oddly enough, bad things happen the moment you prayed that it won't happen. Not today. Not tomorrow. But most probably a few hours after tomorrow.

That's sad. But no, It won't stop me. Because I beg for it not to stop for me.

Monday, March 15, 2010

WORD VERIFICATION : 'eat Craptella'

That would be, in total awesomeness, my most anticipated WORD VERIFICATION ever!

But of course, it is, by the way, the most 'ANTICIPATED', and by that, I really meant that it had not happen yet.

(P/s : I've double checked the meaning just so that I'm sure that I didn't misuse some other word with a different meaning. Anyway, I got it right! Yay! It is very important not to show to the whole world that your level of linguistic is not that high despite your high achie....... I just did that, didn't I? OK. Here's the link)


Update : IF you guys ever wondered what this picture up here is all about, it's about a comment posting session in a blog, and the WORD VERIFICATION is 'retard'. Literally.

Don't you think that WORD VERIFICATION is just so creepy? I mean, in most ocassion, this WORD VERIFICATION seems to be able to trace my few last minutes conversation, be it in the Internet or the real world, and use it as the WORD VERIFICATION itself. Even the topics sometimes seems a little bit to close.

For example, just now I was chatting with a friend of mine who is stilll doing a foundation programme in Engineering in The University of Nottingham, in Malaysian campus. We were talking and taliking (or rather typing) and then I thought, 'Hey! Did I update my blog for today?'.

Not that it's a must for me, but, I just felt like doing it you know. So I opened up my blog, and start to figure out what I should right. So then, I thought, why not post it in Facebook?

So I posted at Facebook :

"Hrmm, who ever that is free can you please do me a charity by clicking all my ads in my blog repetatively until you're bored so that I can earn money and all you guys get is boredom?"

Note : The original post was in Bahasa Melayu, so I've translated it. Anyway, just telling....

And then I put up alink to my blog. And guess what? A WORD VERIFICATION showed up. And the word was

'so Foundation'

And I was like WTF did you spied on my chat just now, you damn WORD VERIFICATION!

Personally, I think the WORD VERIFICATION holds a lot of threat to the world. I mean think of it. What if, my hypothesis about the WORD VERIFICATION being able to trace your online chat is true. And when I post this entry, then the whole world would know about th horrid 'truth' of WORD VERIFICATION based on my experience. Then if one of my readers is a hacker (and for some reason I doubt it, but fate seems to hate me for no reason). And he seems to think that I got a point there (YAY I got a reader!). Then he hacked his way into the WORD VERIFICATION, and then he WHAMPED! and made everything that he needs to do, ZOOM! and he got what he needs, BAMM! and he could trace what we are saying and CRAP! everything is no longer private, all thanks to me.

Your welcome.

But, that is, IF. OH how I hate the power of that word. It's like a curse!

For example :

Boyfriend : Hye, do you wanna go out sometime?
Girlfriend : What do you mean? Like dating?
Boyfriend : Yeah dating...
Girlfriend : What is this not a date? Me going out with you?
Boyfriend : Of course it's a date
Girlfriend : Then why do you have to ask me on another date? I mean, we date like everyday.
Boyfriend : I don't know why I did that.
Girlfriend : .......
Boyfriend : Still, do you wanna go out with me?
Girlfriend : yeah sure.

Now that would be a total wreck-out-of-the-shit example, IF it was the real example. BUT HELL NO! That is so not the example. The example is here. Right now. You're reading it. See, IF  I told you that the dialog wasn't the real example, then you wouldn't read it, but that is IF. I don't really know IF you will read it IF I really told you of my real intention.


I've just realized something. What IF, there are no readers on my blog? What IF, that visitor counter is just a fake? What IF, me writing this blog is just a waste of time? OMG I hate this part. IF only I didn't typed it down. Oh well, what to do...


I don't know why I ended kind of off track. But hey! Who cares? Well seriously, I don't. So....

Buhbye and see ya!

Hot Tab

Friday, March 12, 2010

Big Changes and 6 A+ 1 A 2 A-

Guess what? Once in a while updating your blog literally means that you'll need to face a hell lot of stuf
That sentence is too cheezy for something like me. I might just died from all that chezzy-ness.

Anyway! Yeah! WTF I didn't updated my blog for like what, four days?

Anyway, if any of you have EVER noticed, I am a Nuffnanger.


I went out just now. About an hour ago. My family and I were having dinner to celebrate OMG I FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE NUFFNANG OMG OMG OMG...


OK let me just countinue wherever I've stopped. Well.....

*sigh* I've forgotten, whatever about NuffNang that I want to talk about.

OK lets totally skip it! YAAAAAAAAAAAYY!!!!

Jumps Happily

I got a very harsh fever yesterday. SO as a result I had to CHOP my hair off. It is a very drastic move, but that is just how my head works. When there is like intense heat anywhere near it, EVERYTHING that is covering my head and is seen as a possible heat sustenser needs to be ELIMINATED ASAP!!

So right now I have the hair that I hate the most. Most probably because I really don't like the one who chopped my hair, but I think it is caused by the fact that my head now looks like a..... I don't know. How do you define your own head and/or hair shape/style?

I don't know mine maybe because A) I can't really see how is the shape of my head/hair right now, B) I am too lazy to look at the mirror, C) The mirror is broken, and/or D) The mirror is broken because of my bad hair. Or even E) I am not alien who can see the shape of his head/hair because they have long tentacle like eyes.

Whatever it's not like I care why both my hand is covered in red paint... SERIOUSLY IT IS RED PAINT MY GOD BELIEVE ME I"M TELLING YOU THE TRUTH!

Anyway, after I chopped my hair and made it look like a.............. Well, I get 9 As..


Somehow the scanner/printer/photocopy machine just thought that maybe I don't really need to scan my result slip, just in case if someone might use it and pretend to become me. Although I know that is totally outrageous! Who want to be someone who has bad hair and/or head shape? Hrmm... I wonder...

Anyway I got 6 A+, 1 A, and 2 A-!!! And that all total up to 9 As, which is not that much but since it is my ass that worked for it, so you guys have no right to tell me how very litle my number of A is. YEAH!!!!

P/s : later when I've convinced my scanner/printer/photocopy machine/demon-bot I'll upload that picture to prove to the world I'm an intelligent  blogger and not some tell-tale serial killer who kills because he thinks everybody who thinks they are happy in this life would be safe if they are reincarnated because they are happy now so when they are reincarnated there will be no more sorrow and that IF that killer really do care about the concept of reincarnation because he knew when someone is dead he is dead for sure and not dead-alive again but DEAD-DEAD!! *breathes out* That is extremely long...

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Bliss In Disguise... Hopefully!

According to, bliss means :

1.supreme happiness; utter joy or contentment: wedded bliss.

2.Theology. the joy of heaven.

3.heaven; paradise: the road to eternal bliss.

4.Archaic. a cause of great joy or happiness.
But according to me, bliss means :
1. HELL YEAH!!!!! (happy)
2. Pain first, then HELL YEAH!!!!!
3. Take THAT, you douche bag!
4.  LOL LMAO ROFL hahahahaha (a euphoric state, may cause by anything/anyone)
Anyway... Somewhat yesterday, which is Saturday, was one of my worst day ever since The Endless Tragedy. It is, still kind of related to The Endless Tragedy, but this one is way more than just a tragedy! It almost become a police case! And I almost got my ass in a police station, giving out statement so that I won't be locked behind bars and sleep with a homosexual rapist.
Okay sleeping with  a homosexual rapist is really not the case. But, still, it is quite alarming, now that I mentioned it...
But, luckily, I'm a human and human to the heart. And what does human with a human heart has in his heart???
He has kindness, humanity, deeds, courtesy, politeness, etc, etc, etc. And of course, the most important ingredient, blood. But who cares if you have blood or not in heart right?


Or maybe a vampire would. In fact I think that's what all vampire ever thing of. Or even heard of. They can't seem to think right, especially when they are around human, because every human has blood in their heart. Well, of course, except for dead people. Or zombie, for crying out loud.

Anyway, the case is now kind of, dead? There is no more phone calls, or messages. But still, every time my phone rings, I got paranoid! I am always scared to answer any incoming calls with no names. Put it simple, incoming calls from those whom I don't know. *shivers*

I just killed three cockroaches just now. I was brushing my teeth and putting aside my contact lenses when Cockroach A was crawling to near to my hairy feet that I could actually feel it's presence. I was like 'Whaaf tha Faakf?!'. As quick as a cat, I stomped them with my foot. But sadly...

Me : I won! Yoo-hoo!

Cockroach A : Think again! Hahahaha... I can survive even after nuclear explosion! Do you think your stinky feet is any match to me?

Cockroach B : Hahahahahaha... You got him right!

Cockroach C : You go dude! Kick him in the ass! Yeah! Cockroach rule!!!

Me : .......

And since I am a fast learner, I took no less than a minute later to kill all three of them. I stomped hard wiht my foot, then, violently, I drew my foot backward, as if I'm doing the Moon walk. Which leaves all the cockroaches headless, footless, gutless, etc. etc-less.... They are dead, for sure!

 I hate how this post ended. So I guess I put up something fun for all of you. Here....

Your welcome!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I Can't Seem To Think Right

As the title might, suggest, I am currently in a delusional state. Not that it is caused by any illegal drug intake, or legal drug taken in a very large amount. Besides, I don't do drug, so why should I be talking about this?!

For the past 2 hours or so, I had been digging out stories from a blog, which I personally classified as a humour blog. I don't know if there are any class for blogs, but I guess there are supposed to be one, because if not, from where does fashion and food blog originated m?

Anyway the blog that I read is this blog, Hyperbole and a Half. The blog is HILARIOUS!!! It is so damn clever! (Ironically, right now I am listening to Plain White T's - So Damn Clever)

It is a genius creation from a genius person named Allie - or so told by her Mom in one of her post. How cool is that? Your Mom commenting your own blog post! That is way too cool. Only that I don't know if it is really her Mom or just some inposter that she paid to be her mother.

Still, I really do love reading ALL of her blog post. She even posted pictures that she drawn using her touch pad in her MacBook (how cool is that?!) using only PaintBrush, a Mac version of Paint. Anyway, just FYI, those pictures are awesome! She even made a character named Spaghatta Nadle, who is really just a spaghetti noodle with a speech impediment. Ha can't spaak praparhlay (translation: He can't speak properly)

Anyway, put that excellent blog aside, (really? Can we really acheived something like that, or is it we actually are lying to ourselves?) today, or should I say tonight, as I watched the local news, I saw something that made me hallucinating. Or actually I just can't seem to think right. Enough.

So here's the whole story. You know right how news, or any shows in the TV really, had that tab at the bottom part of the screen, giving us all the little news or information or whatever shit that they want. Anyway, one of them, during the news, had this on. 'Keputusan SPM dan STAM akan dikeluarkan pada hari Khamis minggu depan'.(translation : The result for SPM and STAM would be out in the coming Thursday.)

For those who ever wondered what the hell is SPM, (if there is any...) SPM is the biggest exam in Malaysia which it's result can actually shape your whole future. It also set the border line between being successful in life or just end up being a loser your whole life. Well, actually no, it does not. But hey, being to strees up about your result might bring you straight towards your end. Such a sad story huh?

Anyway, right now, that is what made me so delusional. I'm not so sure if delusional = hallucinating, or even if (bad news + suprised) x pressure = bad day ... That would be too bad, because I found Allie's blog on the same dayy. Then it should be something like this, bad day + cool stuff = great day .... Whatever. I can't seem to think right.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Endless Tragedy, Pt. 2

Thursday, 25th February, 2010.

Everbody came to work today. But Female C is having problem walking, most probably since she kicked her way out yesterday. She came to work walking like a one-legged zombie. (-___-''') Everybody else is either happy or not in the mood at all. But, yeah, I am happy.


Friday, 26th February, 2010.

Today, Female C took a leave. Maybe her feet is killing her, I don't know. But if it is killing her, then that's totally awesome for me. She does deserve to die in a very pathetic way, killed by her own legs. Hahahaha...


If We Ever Meet Again...

I'm sure we will always meet again, especially in my blog! Don't you think we are fated to be together?? Hahahaha...


Anyway this is kind-of a new song to me, since I first hear in on air, or should I say on TV, this morning. It is a song by Timbaland featuring Katy Perry. (Uh, uh Katy Perry I ♥♥♥♥ her so MUCH!)

Nose Bleed

And for those who are as unlucky as I am, here is the video for you. I got it from Timbaland Vevo, though whatever Vevo is... You can search it at YouTube, there bunch of awesome music videos from Timbaland in his Vevo.

So yeah the music video is somewhat cool but I do think that the story of the video is a little bit off compared to the meaning of the song. But hey, who cares, if it's off or on, there's Katy Perry in it! LOL hahaha.

Oh, and the next chapter of my Endless Tragedy would most be probably be up in a couple days, depending on how fast I'm typing. Also depending on how fast the flow of idea is at that time. So, if you really want to know more of my endless tragedy that make me quit my job and become a NETT (Not in Employment, Training, or Teaching), please, do stay tune.


Oh, just another quick thing... Since I am a NETT now, I signed up for Google AdSense, along side with my NuffNang MY. So since you are here to read my blog, or for whatsoever reason you are here, why don't you do some charity and click on them! It would be fun, don't you think?


OK that's all for now. See ya when I see ya. LOL

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Endless Tragedy.

If this is not a true story, that happened to me personally, I might tell you that this story sucks and it is VERY not kind to the protagonist. Hopes, they always leaves you high and dry, don't you think?

So let me tell you some of my story - or stories, since there are a bunch of them, that happened to me since the pass few days. Which I admit, taught me how to suck it up and keep a straight face, .

It all started on...

Wednesday, 24th February, 2010.

Yesterday, Female C asked me about Pixie Lott's famous single, Mama Do (Uh Oh Uh Oh).

So as a deal, I told her that I would download the song for her, and pass it to her, today. So, yeah I did it, and I told her, 'Hey, let's go to shops that sells phones, I'm sure they have all those mobile phone's cables and stuff, since you don't have one'.