Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Hey there guys! How are you?

That is kind of strange don't you think? Well, in all honesty - and not that I'm always am, but just this one - I had been reading this one manga which is kind of scary, and in the manga, in every single chapter, the author made the story to look as in the main character is writing to someone. You should really read it, it is called Aria. It is not an action manga. It is just... Umm, well it is just a manga, I think. You can probably class it as a very graphical manga. That girl really do know how to draw. Really. And they are really cute! Some snip-it.

I've also realized something. Well, this is kind of boring, coming from me, but I've gotten myself a new follower. Hahaha. I can tell you who it was and I also know why or how come he stumbled upon my blog. It was the kid that I mention from my previous post! Great! Although it may sound cheeky - and I really want it to sound cheeky - but well, I just got to do it one step at a time. 

And it seems kind of sad knowing that some other guy who posted in his blog using only some random sketches on Post-it notes can get thousands of followers in matter of months. I hate my life.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


You might noticed that I had revamped my blog. Not that it matters to me. I mean revamp, renovate, redecorate, whatever it is, it's not like I'm going to score any money than I ever had. Which is none. So yeah, I've revamp my blog.

My sister was wondering, why do it now? Why don't do it like, two or three days before new year? That would be a totally appropriate timing to do so. Which I would agree. But, sadly, as appropriate as it might seem, human never did care when is the right time to change. Little that they even notice that they had strayed away from the being that they used to be. And that is totally okay with me, since everything in this life changes.

Some other changes that people often find kind of exciting yet annoying at times are friends. Some argued (in Facebook) that they had lost friends. Even my Honey argued the same thing, that she had lost someone (bet it's NOT me). One of my junior from my previous school even posted that his mom told him that the friends that they're going to befriends with, like till the end of their life, is going to be the ones they found after their school (college, university, work, etc.). And boy was he furious about that!

Monday, December 20, 2010


This morning, when I woke up, I realized something.

Okay I know it might not the most suitable time to realize something, whatever it might be. I mean, you just woke up because someone is making some what annoying noise of telling you to wake up when you cease not to (my Mom), while my niece is totally making me sick by constantly jumping on me, the TV is making a little bit too much noise (the TV is literally beside me), your eyes is totally filled with yucky-thingy (I don't know what its called in English, eye boogers?) and then you realized something, totally irrelevant to all that nonsense and whatnot.

Note: By the way, I like the word 'whatnot'. It sounds so good for no reason.

Well, apart from realizing how my life is practically bad, I've realized something really good. Life sucks. Cliché as it may seems, it's true. Life does sucks! It's like the universe code of living, the first code would be

"Code 1: Life may not be the way Yoda wants it to be"

And it would great if that was so true. Anyway the next thing I realized was even more severe than anything. I realized that I actually hate people who get irritated over people who read their shirt. Or as the so called visual sex victims may put it into words, we are reading their bosom/lean (ugh) body/back/butt. Well guess what mister/missy? I just can't get myself to tell who is the world genius for even wearing a shirt/pants with words printed on it if you really don't like people who actually find those words attractive enough to be read are reading it!

Well, at least someone is reading. I just can't belief that people actually think Malaysians are lazy readers. I mean, we practically read every single day. Despite the truth that I hate newspaper and find that reading a newspaper is very confusing, I read other stuff. I mean although I might not learn how to make a HIV infected baby turn into a volunteer to drive an indestructible tank to fight in Iraq, I do learn new words for example. And that is totally gained, no other from reading, thus for me, nullifying the statement of us being light-readers and stuffs. 

The other thing that I realized that morning was how annoying people from the past can be. Last night, when I was feeling undeniably sleepy, my Mom decided to watch this ridiculously old movie that was aired like in the middle of the midnight. And she was watching that stupid story. And I had to watch that stupid story since I sleep besides the TV and in front of the PC, place where all the magic happens. And she thought I was watching it when in reality I was monologue-ly telling myself how ridiculously that hair-do was. I just can't get it. People from the past sucks for some reason and don't ask me why the thing I realized and the reason for it to occur aren't even linked to each other.

I also realized another thing, thanks to the TV who was besides me every night. I hate any ads that are linked to the government, cause it makes the government looks like a group of monkeys who were given a bunch of flower every time they had a meeting or so, and because they have meeting like every month or so, they are practically broke and thus they have no more money to hire a brilliant crew to do their ads and end up making their own stupid, unrealistic, cheap, and clearly without any imagination ads.

I also realized how stupid it was to realize all these stuffs. But well, nature has its own way in making life interesting.

I also realized that I actually not so fond of my own family. Let me rephrase that. I love them, but at the same time I hate them as well. Maybe living in a small place with a little too many people and stuck with them all the time can probably turn a cat into a rag doll. 

The last thing that I realized was that in order for you to make the world turn to like you, you have to turn into something that will make you like-able by all people, instead. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Hye there! Long time no see!

Whenever I use that statement, I can't help but feel as if, well, there could be at least some language problem, I presume. I think that statement must be made by some Malaysian or something, and I'm damn proud of it.Well whatever that is so not the thing that I want to write anyway.

Twisted. You know, I love reading. And my reading materials ranging from novel (English only with an exception for several Malay novelists), to manga, and even (sadly) unreliable articles that I can probably googled it out from the Internet. But I do read a lot. Even most of my holidays are spend reading, if reading status in Facebook can be considered as one. *wink*

So yes, I read manga a lot. And by a lot I don't mean just those action, out-of-this-world genres. I read mangas from action, to supernatural, science fiction, historical, even love. And I like the fact that actually reading love based manga is presumably my most favourite type.

Why, one might ask? Well, to put it simple, life IS full of drama. And you can never expect something to work out as easy as you finding your way into someone else panty when you're talking about real life drama. So the best way to know, is through people experience, although that mostly from comics or manga are a little bit too dramatic and whatnot. but never the less.

And to clarify things, I don't really like comic, or the Western comic. The storyline is always out-of-this-world kinda thing. Sorry.

So what about 'twisted' and manga? Well, to put it simple I was reading this manga about a couple who is so madly in love, A and B. The story goes, before B fell for A, B use to have a crush on C. But C didn't dare to return B feeling. A know about this and was curious on what type of a person C is and why would B fell for C. A check C out and out of nowhere have a crush on C and he pushed it and now C fall for A but still have feeling for B and B also have feeling for C but just as best friends. A on the other hand was falling head to toes with C but still like A.

Get it? No? How about some pictures to clarify the story.

This is what it used to be before...

And then this happens...

And that is before the story goes on and D comes into the story and it all become 

Yeah, well at least that was what I thought it felt like. Twisted. I mean, of course the story ended with a happy ending but even so, it's twisted. In middle of the story, A would have sex with B, then run to C as quickly as possible and have sex with C because C was having crush on B but in the same time that fellatio-on-ship was mutual, like hell I understand that!

And I suddenly noticed that while I was enjoying all the sex scene reading the story, I have this like sad feeling for B. And thinking, gosh, if my girl would do that to me, I'll definitely cry. And then something else comes in mind. Well, just to state the fact, I rarely cry. I mean, the last most memorable event that happened that made me crying was having to swallow the fact that my Dad is having an open heart surgery and that he might have a slime chance of not surviving the surgery.

Of course the tears only last for about 2 to 3 minutes. And of course my Dad survived. And that was that. No more tears have I recalled. I can't even cry when my best friend's dad died. Gosh, I can't even finish the post that I wanted so bad to dedicate to her.

But never the less, the story made me realize, well, apart from that my reading hobby is a little off the track with my inappropriate reading materials, that life is full of jerks. And by jerks, I'm not just saying guy-jerks. Of course out there are filled with girl-jerks too.

Moral of the story: Always be brave to confess, be it feeling or anything. And please do choose wisely who is to be your girl or your boy. And if you still happen to mistakenly choose a definite no-no person, try again. Life is filled with fun, and the only way you can truly enjoy life is by enjoying it with another person. Thus the term 'the more the merrier' is so true but don't try threesome or foursome, cause it sucks although it is the best way to tell if you're someone is having a someone that is definitely not you.

P/s: Gosh this post is definitely rated 18 and above. (-____-''') 

Sunday, December 5, 2010


The Lazy Song
By : Bruno Mars

Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cos today I swear I'm not doing anything

I'm gonna kick my feet up and stare at the fan
Turn the TV on
Throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gonna tell me I can't

I'll be lying on the couch just chillin' in my snuggie
Click to MTV so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cos in my castle I'm the freakin' man
Oh Oh

Yes, I said it
I said it
I said it 'cos I can

Today I don’t feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don’t feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cos today I swear I'm not doing anything

Nothing at all
Ooh hoo ooh hoo
Hoo ooh ooh
Nothing at all
Ooh hoo ooh hoo
Hoo ooh ooh

Tomorrow I'll wake up do some P90X
Meet a really nice girl have some really nice sex
And she's gonna scream out 'this is great' 
(Oh my god, this is great)

I might mess around and get my college degree
I bet my old mam would be so proud of me 
But sorry paps you'll just have to wait
Oh Oh

Yes, I said it
I said it
I said it 'cos I can

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cos today I swear I'm not doing anything

No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cos I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no-no, no-no

I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah
Ohh ohh

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cos today I swear I'm not doing anything

Nothing at all
Woohoo ooh
Woohoo ooh hooh ooh ooh
Nothing at all 
Woohoo ooh
Woohoo ooh hooh ooh ooh
Nothing at all


P/s: This is pretty much all I can do. Because I've sworn of not doing anything. Be grateful yo! By the way there's like this another version of this song in YouTube with it's lyrics on screen which seems to be a little up beat than this one.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Yesterday I went to the barber shop. To get a hair cut.

And apparently that second statement just somehow proved how inconveniently readers are nowadays that we need to actually explain almost everything that we wrote. Like that Miss Universe who misplaced China and Korea - despite my uttermost surprise on how a person can make a silly mistake when it is so clear that it's Korea that was having the war prep and not China. What, the news didn't told you that, is it? If only she had the guts to make a note at the end of her Tweet something like 'although I'm not sure which is which', I'm sure she'll be fine and doesn't have to delete her account.

Well, that's quite some intro.

Anyway, yes, I went to the barber shop, at last, and not a high-end saloon, since I think I probably waste less money in a barber shop and come out of the shop with an expected crappy hair style rather than spend a bunch of money and still come out of the saloon with, still, such a crappy hair style. Sometimes I even got a lot of crappier hair cut.

Note: I actually went out just now. Apparently there was this huge, fluffy rabbit that come out of nowhere. I can't take pictures since the family camera is make out of craps and now we can't take pictures. But that thing is so damn cute! I'll try to do a post about my home - which is now literally an animal shelter home, eventually later.

Anyway, I'm practically back at the same shop that I have been to since I'm about one or two years old (source: own Mom), or maybe younger since I don't really remember having hair longer than what I used to have. Which is not that long. Sheesh... 

The barber shop is always filled with people. At least it is always filled with customers whenever I'm in there. Such a bummer. And that old, crinkled old man is always as crinkly, weird, and old as he has always be (did I used 'old' twice? He is old though). And the workers - as in the barbers who really do cut hair when compared to the wrinkly old man who only stands and make gestures as if he is cutting something, only that that something is in midair and is invisible - always change. Which freaks me out even more.

I've once made a hypothesis that that old wrinkly guy is actually training all these Indian barber for work instead, which is new barber, who came here to Malaysia to work as barber. I mean, most of the time, they don't really speaks normal Malay. Including that old wrinkly guy. Oh, and I don't mean to be racist or anything, but the shop is literally an Indian barber shop. Malaysia is practically filled with shops like that, with almost every single place you go you are ought to find one. 

Yesterday, anyway, was somewhat entertaining. I went to the particular barber shop in the evening, with both my parents. Yes, I'm 18, going to do my hair, with both my parents on either sides of mine. But they are not like, there on my side, they just drove me there. Since I don't have any license, yet. And it seems like it's going to take me an eternity to get one. 

Back to the story... There were this family, of a mother and several kids, sitting just outside the shop. I went in, and the old wrinkly owner told me to sit over the waiting area, which is just a high bench with space barely enough for you to put your asshole. Like, the sit space is so small, that is you have a large bum, you are so gonna hate sitting there. But I liked it anyway. *innocent face*

There was this boy right beside me. The old guy gave me a gossip-filled mag, which I hated, but still I flipped through the pages anyway. Then this girl came, and from the way she talked to the boy beside me, she is the little sister to the boy. The bench seems to be a little to tall for her. I was intensely reading flipping through the mag, that I was a little bit late on noticing that the girl was actually using my leg as a pulley for her. Which caught me by surprise!

I mean, well, usually kids at her age, especially girls, are tend to be shy and stuff. And she is not. In fact she is so loud. I mean, talkative. Whatever. She was like talking about something, and I was then looking at her like OMG this girl is good. And then her mom came in and she said something and then the girl replied 'No I want to be with brother' and I was like monologue-ly 'Aww so sweet'. Which is. Sweet. 

And that is probably what I like about life. People - be it amazing, normal, decent, annoying, cranky, stupid, snobbish, gorgeous, kind-hearted, lively, and etc. - never fails to amaze and amuse me. Guess life is full of surprises, huh.
But I hate all the guys who have tried to cut my hair recently. Let me make the statement more, umm, precise. I hate every barber who have tried to cut my hair since the final quarter of 2009 until today, including the gay barber. Ugh, I hate gay barber. 

WAIT! Let me rephrase that. I hate sissy barber. That sounds more human righteous now doesn't it? Whatever. 

P/s: It actually took me like 4 days to complete this post, because, surprise surprise!, my land line, I mean, my house land line was cut due to late of bill payment and whatnot, and the stupid modem needs password, don't have/remember generic password, failed to reboot to Internet, sad, depressed, went from online gaming to PS1-lame-game, waited for another three days just for fun, and then, walluh!, post is ready for presentation. You're welcome! :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010


I don't know why, but somehow I'm just kind of lost the feeling that I used to have whenever I played my fav game ever. It's like, well, it's like growing up. Jeez, how I would definitely hate that. I need to do something about this. 

Usually, I can play like 3 - 4 hours of intense, I-don't-care-if-the-house-is-burning, die-die-die-mobs concentration and energy. And then I'd probably stop in the middle for some rest/food/toilet/bath/drink and / everything else. I'd even probably stop playing once the game notifier starts bugging me. 

Note: The notifier sucks too since it is not that accurate. Well, at least not as accurate as me!

I think this can be most probably because of my sister. She kept using the desktop since we only have this one that connect us to, like, the whole world and she is intensely in need of it or she might just died out of lack of Internet or in a more scientific term known as hyperinternetraxity. She used the PC for absolutely no reason, apart from Facebook-ing, YouTube-ing and also craps that are as stupid as a cat who swim. 

No wait cats who swim are cool! Kewl I tell ya!

Anyway, she use the PC like from 12 in the noon till something like 5 PM or sometimes up till 8 PM and then she'll pass it to me and so I have to use it at night till like literally the next morning, around 3-5 AM. Which is pretty much stupid, because I don't feel like playing game that early in the morning. And lack of sleep may cause your concentration to be lacking, which is bad. 

Okay, so fine, she is now in her school break, and school is only up next year, but hey, I'm in my sem-break too! I too deserve a well rested mind from any form of intellectual items that will need my brain to work like hell! And she can only tolerate MY TIME to work with her time so that she can kill her holiday period! 

And she is literally killing the her time with the PC. I mean, come on, she had been watching the same 10-episodes Japanese Drama for like what, the fourth time already. And when I asked her why, she just said 'cause I don't get the story'. Dude what's the point of repeating the whole series, not to mention for four times when you have absolutely no idea what the whole thing is about? Gosh she is so dumb.

True, she is so dumb. She did bad in her UPSR. So bad. Gosh I hate her. And she stinks too, just to make it worst. God, why I don't have useful little sister who understand the need of I, who play games AND blogs? Why God? Sheesh, guess this is just my destiny. 

Anyway this is just a quick update since I HAVE the time to kill. I certainly have no time to play game. Wait, let me rephrase that. I certainly have no MOOD to play any game for any reason and I think I wanna go and catch some of Naruto and maybe some Glee episodes while I'm online. Gosh, see why I certainly should not give this darn PC to my lil' sis? i use it not for me to rewind the same freaking story again and again! I watch Naruto, Glee, and other story, once per episode since I don't even have a TV back in my apartment unit. 

Crap, the longer I type this update, the less time I'll get to watch Naruto. K, then, buhbye guys! 

P/s: This is probably known as 'Bad Stuffs' because apparently talking bad stuffs about your stinky sister (not to mention calling names) is bad and should be avoided at any cost. With the exception of this one, cause I RAWKS! 

Friday, November 26, 2010


For some reason, and that reason being going to my Honey's blog, I was suddenly am filled with this longing, sad, pathetic, all cry-y kind of feeling. For absolutely no reason. Okay, fine, I was sad, most probably thanks to IMS (Irritable Male Syndrome) but I know I was sad because I read her post and realization starts to occur to me. Gosh, I'll talk about this in the post-script.


I remembered somewhere in between October and November, while I was walking with my friends towards Sunway Pyramid, we discussed about something and I come out with the most brilliant thing ever.

"I guess if you told another Malaysian, be it young or old, no matter from what continent that guy might be, what god he choose to believe, he is sure to know that of Doraemon, Shin-chan, Ultraman, Power Rangers, or even Naruto..."

Well, I can't remember a thing about what made me said that clever thing, but, yes, it is true that we, Malaysians, no matter where you live at, will come to that time in our lives in our live when we know Doraemon and stuffs. Which happens to prove something. We are blessed...

With too much TV. *sigh*

That is a sad thing. We had a little too much TV. Way too much TV. I know that's true, since I'm an addict myself. I've always hoped that my life would somehow magically turns into one of that from the TV. But guess life is life, and sadly as it is, hopes crumble.

To make it even worst, suddenly I come out with this brilliant idea to watch Naruto Shippuuden, Glee, Flash Forward, and other TV series online. And that is just because you can't rewind any stupid scenes that you love on TV. And because I seems to miss a few episodes here and there. So, yup, now it's online TV babe!

Anyway I was actually planning on doing a post on 'How to Deal With Gay Online Stalker', because I had just recently encountered one! Though he's not gay. Let me rephrase that, though he HASN'T come out as gay, YET. And to make it worse he used to be my classmate when we are still in high school. Yup, life sucks, but life is life.

I went to this one blog just now, It was freaking hilarious. They used Facebook account to actually come up with hilarious jokes, and yes they have disguise themselves with characters ranging from fairytale and folklore to some historical celebrities (two birds with one stone? Damn I'm good!).  

Note: When I said 'just now', it was like, while I was thinking of what to write after my self-quote part of this post. And this post is a one-shot post, so there is no drafting thinging okay?

Since we all have a Facebook account (unless if you're a freak who is still using the all too-much-to-think-about-layer-colour-font-colour-background-etc-etc-etc-sparkles-etc Friendster or Myspace), I'll link you up to the page in Facebook so that you can like them and make their nation bigger! YEAH!.

That guy is the man! Gosh, he is so clever. SO CLEVER! To think that he actually can come up with the idea to utilize Facebook to create something as hilarious as it is. Gosh, clever.

Note 2: I don't have any idea if he was the one who created all the statuses, or if he just found it, like ranomly or anything. But by the way he is water-marking everything, seems like it's his.

Have you heard Bruno Mar's new song 'Count On Me'? I like it~~

Aww Love it so much... Am now feeling a bit sleepy, think I might just fall asleep right now, K then buhbye!


P/s: I don't know what I am supposed to write here. Love you all! 

P/s/s: I think this is the, umm, effect of IMS. Gosh this is SO embarrassing.

Monday, November 22, 2010


NOTE: If you guys don't have a single idea what 'alt' means, then I guess you guys don't Youtube as much as I did. Anyway, you might want to begin from here if you haven't read the original ending. Chiao~~ (Chiao is goodbye right?)


So I have read this article about penis....

In a very awkward way I tried to end this post with a statement that I had read an article about phallus without offering even a simple explanation. But then again, here I am trying to sort things out. 

Well I kinda found out about that article when I tried to figure out what 'phallic structure' really is, or rather why would a man in a certain comic (not classifying it into a manga or a normal comic) be totally upset when his whole bad day ended with a greeting by a basket filled with mushrooms that have 'undeniably phallic structure'.

Despite knowing that I might end up in 'bad influences' sites, I still go on and search the word 'phallic' through the Internet rather than the old way (dictionary) because the Internet is filled with stuff, both bad, good, and a bad-good (or a good-bad, if you may).

Anyways, for the thousandth time I would like to bid thank you for those who have been loyal to my blog (either or not you read any of my posts T^T ). I really am trying my best to at least have the decency to actually do my blog post as frequently as I can. Thank you for your support!

Does anyone here knows Fred Figglehorn? I knida like him. 



Kinda. Seriously (-____-'''). Okay then! But you know what I really like? Bruno Mars songs. His songs kinda talk to me. I mean I can clearly listen to his songs and his words thus the conclusion of talking or hearing a song talk is really not that too far-fetched, compared to an air-borne HIV/AIDS.

And I'm thinking of studying sign language. My reason for that is probably because you'll never know when you'll be having an impaired brain. Or maybe you are stuck in a place where all the people don't speak English nor Malay, because they all can't speak but they know sign language. I clearly am watching way too much TV.

P/s: Doesn't this alternate ending look a little bit too long when they are add up to my original post?

P/p/s: Does anyone ever use p/p/s?

P/p/p/s: The note in P/p/s was actually stolen from a site where I read it. It was suppose to be a joke, a really clever joke. And I <3 it!


Okay don't get me wrong I've never, NEVER watched Family Guy, be it before, now, nor even am I about to. I just don't feel like watching a show that have the words 'family' and 'guy' in a sentence. Ugh.

I don't know about you, but I don't like the baby and that dog. 
They never grow up, and what's more they talk!


I am wondering... Have any of you guys watched Megamind? So how was is? I personally think it was PERFECTLY FUNNY IN A MOST EXAGGERATED SIMPLE JOKES INTO A MASTERPIECE OF PURE EUPHORIC STUFFS!! OMG! 

Okay. Awkward~ Anyway, yes, Megamind is like the best hilarious and comedic film I've watched up to date. Or maybe it is somewhere in my must watch movie list of the year. OMG I just come out with the most brilliant idea! Wait for it, I'll just come out with it. 

P/s: I don't do 'How I Meet Your Mother' also.

I just love how brilliantly Will Ferrel brought that blue-bulbous-headed character of Megamind. He certainly knows how to brings the character into life. Or maybe the director knows how to play with his characters. Or maybe the script writer knows how to arrange simple words into a complex joke. Gosh, I am certainly sure the script writer must be Da Bomb in any party.

NOTE: The part that you have read from the first letter 'O' till the space before this note (not joking) was written some few days ago (unjustifiable). Pardon me for any incoherency that you might have noticed after this note. *sad face T^T

So I have read this article about penis....
...And this blog post ends right here.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today marks the day that I am extremely, fully, undeniably  happy and tremendously free. Since, well, today is actually last day of exam! YAAAAYY!!

But today marks the day even greater than all of the other great and remarkable thing that may have happened this day. Today, some, I don't know, maybe some 40 or 50 years ago, my Mom was born on this day.

That sounded bad isn't it? Well, I kind off don't really quite remember the exact year BUT I STILL KNOW THE DATE. So, that should have been enough right?

My Mom, being the most incredible Mom ever, partially since I have like only ONE Mom (good job Dad!). The other reason would be, most probably because my Mom is like the only Mom who would, literally kill her own child if he/she (not me) do a stuff that is wrong to her. But that is only like when we are small. I mean, they are small. Not me. :)

She has like the one thing that I believe not many Mom dare to do. She has like a very brave heart. I still remember, once, I was fighting with my little sister, and at that time, if I remebered it correctly, my Mom was first diagnosed with a high blood pressure. I think the fight was over some very trivial stuff and we kind of really got to her skin and then she scolded us. But she wasn't just about scolding. She was literally beating us up.

Oh well. My Mom had probably beaten most of her child up, all two boys and to girls that she raised bare-handed. If you consider my Dad as a pocket and my Mom as hands. Anyway, unlike any other mother that we would see in the TV, my Mom was brave enough to actually bring her hands up and teach her children, with no doubt. Although she usually would cry while beating us up.


I suddenly realized something. I felt like talking about bad stuffs about my Mom. This sucks. But, well, she is my Mom and I am totally happy that I have a Mom like her. She is the one who is responsible of make thye me who I am today.

I would have never asked for another Mom to raise me up. She had been there through my thicks and thins, my ups and lows. She cried with me, laughed with me, she hugged me when I got almost every big test results, she told me to always study hard every time I left the car - since studying is the only thing that I've ever done in my life and I always get out of a car since I've been living in hostel for all my studying life, and she even told me not to use my money like I never had any money in my entire life. Athough the last two part were never fully accomplished.

Mama, a mother like you is the only thing I have. I am blessed to have you, even when I never asked for anyone as perfect as you are. You are the pearl of my heart, a real pearl, that doesn't need even a sparkle of light to shine through a drak night. You are the reason I am me today, I am alive today, I am even here to write you this post today. 

Although from afar, I want you to know, regardless of how you are, no matter how many pills you have to eat because of your illnesses, no matter how imperfect you are in the eyes of the world, you are, for me, the angel in my eyes. 


P/s: Today I am finally finished with my exams! YAAAAYY!! It was my Chenistry paper, and I kinda screwed it up, but, oh well, I guess everybody gotta make like some kind of mistake or 'screw-up', so yeah, I practically screwed up that paper. That, and including some other four papers. BTW, I took only 5 subjects. Ahahaha~~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hey guys! Sorry for not writing for so long... Heck, I've done a contest post at least, so I just want to cancel out that part. Moving on.

So how are you guys doing? I don't know about you, but if like the blogger of the blog that I'm reading asked how am I doing, I won't reply. Just so you know. I totally understand why I haven't got like 605 comments for any single post that I've done. Most probably because I'm not that famous. Yet. *Sigh*

P/s: Somebody actually was featured by Nuffnang, and guess what? The blog was only 6 months old. Jeez, such a bummer!

Anyway! I'm doing totally fine (again, just so you know...) and I'm am doing totally not good. Confused? Actually I am currently in the final exam month for this semester, so, yeah, I'm not doing really good. I still have two paper to go, and I just had today's paper last morning which was Computer Science, and hell I hate it. 

Hah! But that's not what I want to talk about. Actually I've been planning to do this like for a while now, but I guess today would be a good day to do so. 

I played this new game, it is a simple yet complicated browser based game, The Ninja RPG. It is based on the manga Naruto, it's so cool, but is very troublesome, since I have to like check in every single minute for any progress on my character. Gosh, I sounded like such a pathetic person.

Oh my, side-tracked. Sheesh!  

You know, being a human, it is like totally hard to try not to judge people. It's like telling yourself not to open your eyes and see the world. No offense to those who can't see (but what is a blind man doing on my blog?), but seriously, it is damn hard.

Although that being said, not all people are totally okay with you judging them. I think this topic had been talked a lot. The issue of discrimination. Be it gender, sex-orientation, face (it exist), race, or even bloodline. 

I mean, come on. You can't deny that you have that urge to look at the man who is sitting right in front of you, not because he is hot or something, but because he has an eye defect. So you're probably peeking at him, wondering, which eye is he using to look at which direction.

And then, he nod at you. Oops, caught red-handed. *Sigh*

So, since I am a fellow human too, I too judge people. Well, honestly, I judge people a little bit too much. And I am certainly care not about other people who judge me. Pretty so. Okay, fine I'm lying of course I care if people judge me or not, but usually my egoistic-self get the better half of me and I just be all 'I don't give damn about what you think!' 

The think is, I don't just go and judge people all to my heart content, that is just wrong! But I like to judge people who are somehow related to me. For example, people of the same religion as I am. I mean, being a Muslim is hard, it really need all of your effort to practice it. But sadly, most of us, who claimed to be a Muslim, don't really took an effort of becoming good at it. 

P/s: I'm taking account of myself with that statement... *sad face

Being here, in my college, and mixing with fellow Muslims from other countries, surely made me realize that the typical, stereotype Muslim that we Malaysian had in our mind are definitely wrong, and I think that we all know that. Sometimes, we met women who wear a scarf over her head, but sadly, well, lets just say do bad things, forbid by our religion. And then, I personally met this woman, who wear like she's not even a Muslim, yet she still go to the musollah and perform her prayers, for every prayer period that we have. 

And that, kids, is what meant by the phrase 'don't judge a book by its cover'. Heck, don't even think of judging a book just by reading the title ON the cover. You are so not going anywhere.

Okay, so that's it. Phew, that is some topic to talk about, now isn't it? Well, whatever. Anyway, do you remember this post I did in order for me to win the SUPER AWESOME INCREDIBLE MAGNIFICENT FLAWLESS DUPER OUT-OF-THE-WORLD Blackberry Torch 9800? Well, guess what? I WON~~ 

Okay, I'm lying. I didn't even get any reply from them. *Sad face*. Anyway, there is always a silver ling in a dark cloud, although whatever it might mean and whether or not it has any relation to this situation. Celcom, the main sponsor for all those free AWESOMENESS, are still giving away three more! So I still have hope of becoming cool~ Great! Check this out! And since there are not that many of you guys who read my blog, so there are even more hope for me to win it! YAAAAYY!!! 

For some reason, I like to lie today...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


You might not know, but up until today, I had like tonnes of freebies in my pockets.Whenever people asked like, 'So how much is that phone?' or 'Eh, you bought the newest iPod is it? How much eh?', I'll be all 'the price is bla bla bla, but I got it for free'. Smile.

I've got too many free stuff to begin with. I mean, my first phone wasn't mine at all. It was my Mom's. But I use it since she wasn't that tech savvy to use it and most of her friends and even our relative usually calls our land line phone, so the phone was there with literally no one to use it.  The phone is still with my Mom now since I got another free phone.

Then MY phone, which I had my own number instead of the one that me and my Mom shared was given to me by my brother-in-law. He got the phone for free since there this promotion at our local house appliances store and he got like that phone and also a huge LCD TV screen. God bless him. Sadly I lost my phone during one of my stupid fever attack.

Then the next phone that replaced the last phone I bought it using my money. But don't get me wrong, since that money was given to me by the sponsor body. In a simple way, that money was my education fund money, that wasn't even by my Dad. Again, sadly, that phone was stolen recently, and currently I'm trying to survive yet another week or two with out any mobile communication means. *Sigh*

UPDATE : I'm on phone right now! Sounded bad isn't it? Anyway I'm using my first phone since, clearly my Mom is not using it and my little sister is violating the phone. YAAAAYY!!!

Aside from that I also have won a free iPod Nano 5th generation (8GB). Like, it's for free. But I lost that one too because the lady cleaner took it since I left it in the hall accidentally. Its totally not my fault.. *Sigh*

Anyway this post is not about me, nor about all of my lost/stolen phone. It's about a new phone. A phone that I can only imagine of having. The phone that came from the hands that made my world go round and round and round just thinking of all the possibilities that they can achieved.

What the heck I'm talking about? It's the new BlackBerry Torch 9800.

That one, I tell ya, is a winner there!

Well the thing is, despite the whatever people are telling you about BlckBerry, I love them. It's like the most cleverest thing ever invented in the world! I mean, BlackBerry Messaging, or BBM for short. Come on! Tell me a FREE, unlimited and endless possibilities won't sent you all the way to Happyville?

Well, BBM aside, BlackBerry, or should I say RIM, the creator of BlackBerry had done quite an impressive job with this new one. It's like, everything you ever wanted in a smartphone. You got all the smart, hi-tech OS in it, and then it has a touch-screen to top it off. But the thing is RIM doesn't do common things. Beside that elegant touch-screen, then Torch 9800 also comes in with a FULL QWERTY KEYBOARD OMG THAT SO FREAKING AWESOME I LOVE HAVING ALL OF THAT!

Ehem... Sorry for over reacting. This is Torch, fully opened.

*Sigh* Isn't that just so beautiful? It's like the cleverest thing ever.... I said that before right? Okay whatever. Anyway this phone is not just about touch-screen and QWERTY keyboard. Oh no, it's more! It has a 5MP camera, with flash, image stabilization, and auto-focus. Oh sorry, CONTINUOUS auto-focus. That is even more things offered when compared to my antique, early-version digital camera, which is only, what, 3.8MP? So sad...

There's certainly more. BlackBerry had their reputation for keeping people connected, well, practically  no matter where. You can stay connected through the Internet, you telco service, practically everything! Stay connected with your friends and family (and stalker, too) with e-mail, text or SMS, calls, BBM <3, and seriously, through any other communication means.

My last phone (RIP) had an internal memory of a mosquito. What, a 512MB? I was very touched, especially since I had to spent like RM 90.00 and everything for a 4GB upgrade. I hate that. But with Torch 9800, you have a total of 8GB of built-in memory space. Now, that is like my iPod slabbed right into my last phone, but even better than that! And what's more is that the 8GB Torch also comes with a microSD slot. Meaning? MORE MEMORIES YEAH MOAR MOAR!!

And since people nowadays are all about social sites and stuff (read: Facebook freaks), Torch, which comes with the all new BlackBerry 6 OS, is built to make you stick to Facebook, Twitter and whatever sites even more! It's like, giving a whole box filled with candy to a child. This is the best! Not just that you can stay connected, but seriously, connected in a even better way! YES!

I don't know why, but currently people are all about multitasking. Even BlackBerry Torch. I mean, seriously, BlackBerry is known for its compatibility with busy people who is not really that busy, and it is like the whole point of smartphones! Multitasking. Even the way Torch is built spells multitasking. I mean, come on, touch-screen and QWERTY keyboard? Duh~~ 

Okay, I know. This post is like totally about the new, super-duper, incredibly awesome BlackBerry Torch 9800. Why? Dude, I'm a FREE-AK! There would be absolutely no other reason than someone is giving out the BlackBerry Torch 9800! Who, your asking? Who else rather than...

Yup, you got that right! Celcom is giving (ME!) out not one, not three, but TWO BlackBerry Torch 9800 (got you there! (^^,) ). Nice~ I LOVE CELCOM. Celcom is Malaysia's FASTEST, WIDEST, and CLEAREST mobile network ever!

Okay, one thing for sure. I never used Celcom EXEC Postpaid plan before (oops!) but the truth is, I actually done a little bit of survey with those using it. The verdict? Well, first off, not that many friends of mine actually signed up for that, since they are using Celcom Prepaid plans, and most of it are actually my lecturer and some exception like my aunts and uncles. But yes, most of them are very satisfied with Celcom EXEC 50, especially since they are actually using BlackBerry smartphones (jealous jealous jealous).

Celcom EXEC 50 offers you tonnes and tonnes and tonnes of offers. Like what? You did not ask me that. Well, apparently, with Celcom EXEC Postpaid plan, you'd be saving every month! No joke. The more you use, you'll practically saves more, even more since you'll get a 30% discount EVERY SINGLE FREAKING MONTH! WOO-HOO! Okay, let me list out like what you can expect from Celcom EXEC 50 :

  1. 15 cent call rate. To any number. ANY number.
  2. Have I told you about the 30%, automatic discount, EVERY month?
  3. Commitment payment? As low as RM 50.00 per month.
  4. FREE (I like!) Celcom Broadband Basic Plan for 1 month.

And that is a lot! Not enough? Well guess what? If you love BlackBerry Torch 9800 thanks to my serenade above and you have all the money in the world, please do get yours tomorrow from Celcom as they are the Malaysia's best BlackBerry products provider! Now, at the 28th of October, they're going to launch Torch, and when you buy and sign up for the Celcom EXEC 50, guess what, they are going to give out more free stuffs! You can get a free Jabra bluetooth headset (RM 125.00), a(nother) 8GB Micro SD card (RM 68.00) and also a portable Energizer (RM 58.00) if you are the first 100! Nice~

Well, I think that is all for now. Now, I want to go and pray that I'll get one for free, since...



Want to know more? Click here!

Monday, October 4, 2010


Yeah. Um. I failed.

There are like tonnes of failure made. By me, I mean, I wouldn't care about others' failures. I failed my 1st Chemistry test, I failed my 1st Malaysian Studies presentation, I failed in money management, I failed in updating my blog regularly and with interesting topics, I failed in my life... Okay the last part might not be happening yet, but I'm pretty sure it's coming. Soon. 

Many other people failed for other reasons. Failed to wear a condom properly, failed to wake up in the morning for classes, failed in love, and other stuff, whatever, as long as the person sees it as a failure. And for some reason I am facing yet another failure right now. I failed to understand why the heck I choose to do this topic in the first place. 

P/s: This was in my draft, so I decided to use it and not change the title although I can just delete it and do a new one. Aaah.. Who cares?!

I think I'm losing my touch. My it's-not-the-Mighty-Midas-golden touch. *sigh

I am really sorry that I haven't had the chance to update my blog, which I know, my Hunny Bee will for sure tells me that I sucks since I'm right in the middle of a city. Well, seems like I failed in my time management as well. 

Talking about failure, something that I haven't failed to do just yet might be going out with friends. Which, surprisingly seems to happen a lot more than me going to the swimming pool since I literally hate the swimming pool and never been there before. Another thing would be cashing out money from the ATM. My scholarship fund has a sad RM430.18 left. That's sucks. 

I actually failed to mention that I failed to realized that there are an increment in the number of those who are sadly reading my blog. Why are you guys reading my blog? Seriously guys? You had no idea how much Backspace I needed just to spell out the word 'Spell' just now. 

But I can't blame you for failing to see what you want to read. Things happened, and we can only either accept it or leave it, like totally leave it. But I usually will just accept it, embrace it, might just include one or two insults (many), and then just live with it. It can't be that bad, right? I mean, Hell is even worse, not that I had been to the real one.  :)

I wonder...

If the number of followers are the number of your true age, then how old can you go?

P/s: I forget to add on how to handle failure! My fault. Sorry, I mean, my failure! :)

P/p/s: I did I did I did! I did put a note on how to handle failure so you can just re-read it if you have really no idea about anything.

P/p/p/s: I love cats! And I miss my friends. Aminah Hanum Abdul Majid please do reply my message or I might just accidentally stick a cucumber on any open pores. Just saying...

Monday, September 6, 2010


Dearest hunny bee,

So how's life? Err.. Okay this is very awkward. I know I haven't posted any letters to you since the last letter. Well, apart from that fact, neither have you sent me any letter, so it's okay I guess? But you need to reply this letter of mine after this okay, or I might just smack you when you get here!

I hope everything in Sarawak is nice for/to you. I've only been once there, and only for several days. And only to several parts of Sarawak. And that was, like, 6-7 years ago, I think? So not much of a memory there. But hey, memories are meant to be kept, but it is life that matters. The past will always be there no matter what you do, the future will always be a mystery no matter what you pack for it, but the present is always here with you, regardless of your mistakes in the past and your plan for the future.

Am I being too wise there? I don't care.


Dearest hunny bee,

I don't really know what to write in this letter to you. But since all of us is now somewhere, studying, something, so I guess I better ask you something about it. So how's life as a student? Suck, isn't it? But heck, I love life as a student. But not the studying part. I love the socializing part and the part where you can be a dick and no one even cares. Hahahaha...

But seriously, I hate dicks. Umm.. Don't get me wrong there, nor here, the dicks I hate really is a person. Dick heads. I hate them. And sadly my lovely college here is filled with them. I wonder is yours is filled with VG (such a sweet way of saying vagina don't you think?).

I think studying now is hard. Even last year can't beat this six months. Last year, although with all those History and Add Maths and stuff, you got like the whole time in the world to do all your revision. Now, it sucks. Time is like the one thing standing between you and HD. Oh, and also you have to consider the one pulling you from your sides, friends, leisure, club activities, and most of everything else. So you're pretty much not moving, or you might move, an inch forward, towards your HD, but due to the intense forces you are drawn 1 degree to either of your side. So yeah, you are pretty much not moving the right way.

I still remember that last message session we have. Not the Nad's dad, that's a very short, sad, and teary session. It's the one where you told me that you and your spouse are no longer, well, spouse. Heck, you know what, I hate that 'spouse' word! I mean, you're not like sleeping in the same bed, under the same bed sheet, in the same room or anything. So I think I'll change it to 'John'. Why John? I love John, so get over it.

Anyway, about you and John here. Well, I never thought that you and John would be, like, forever or anything, honestly speaking. In fact, when the first time that I actually realize that you actually have a real crush, as in for real, I was like, what the heck? I mean, I cant even bring my mind to think that you might have a crush, and the guts to actually tell that John that you have a crush on him, and have him accepting you and what not other shits.

Am I being too honest? Oh well.

Whatever hunny bee...

Well, it's not that I can't take the fact that you're practically growing up (and I'm not *sad face*), but the fact that, well, your John is not the John that I thought he should have been. Put it simple, for me, you've picked the wrong guy. But, hey, it's you who are feeling the love thingy and not me so, it's okay I guess?

But when you told me about John doing something that made you mad (I know it seems like I'm not paying attention about the whole case, because that's exactly what happened :) ), I kind of felt bad for you? Well, I did felt bad for you, but not like 'OMGTHAT'SSOSHITOMGOMGOMGOMGOMFUCKINGGOSH!!!' kind of bad, you know? I felt something like, 'Ouch, that's gotta hurt' kind of bad, and with no exclamation mark there.


Anyways, the point of this letter is (be reminded, I'm not trying to shorten this stupid letter okay?), with every beginning there is always an end. No matter how sucks the beginning is, nor how unwilling you are to face the end of something so sweet, the end will always be there, sooner or later. Even with friendship. Especially when you BFFs tells you beforehand that you are out of your mind for ever considering him as your future sex mate (I'm just being honest here...). Umm.. So yeah, sex mate. I mean, NO MATTER WHAT KIND OF BEGINNING THERE'S ALWAYS AN END not sex mates.

Imagine this. A delicious grilled boneless skinless chicken that was marinated in a thick black pepper sauce that was served with all the things that you love that I can't list because I've never had this dish in my live *sad face*. The moment you start to eat it, you felt like the most happiest person in the whole wide world. And then POOM! the chicken finished. Just like that. Can you sense the frustration that everybody had to feel? The same goes to you.

So the conclusion is, if that John took your words too seriously and left you without a proper goodbye, then fuck him and move on, for a fucked up guy is not worth your attention. Olive you

P/s : YAAAAYY for fucked up guy and kek lapis Sarawak! Olive you! Sorry for the language it's so hard to curse during Ramadhan and writing it is the best way to go don't you think? And also sorry that this took like a centurion to finish. What's a centurion by the way? Hah, who cares it seems like a timeline or something for me. I took too much time on this because I had no idea of what to write and so I thought why not fill it with craps as I love craps and so do you (don't deny it!), so yeah, this is it! Can't wait to meet you (this Thursday I'll be coming back, hopefully with a new phone) and go for movies! See you then. Do reply, k?