Saturday, November 27, 2010


I don't know why, but somehow I'm just kind of lost the feeling that I used to have whenever I played my fav game ever. It's like, well, it's like growing up. Jeez, how I would definitely hate that. I need to do something about this. 

Usually, I can play like 3 - 4 hours of intense, I-don't-care-if-the-house-is-burning, die-die-die-mobs concentration and energy. And then I'd probably stop in the middle for some rest/food/toilet/bath/drink and / everything else. I'd even probably stop playing once the game notifier starts bugging me. 

Note: The notifier sucks too since it is not that accurate. Well, at least not as accurate as me!

I think this can be most probably because of my sister. She kept using the desktop since we only have this one that connect us to, like, the whole world and she is intensely in need of it or she might just died out of lack of Internet or in a more scientific term known as hyperinternetraxity. She used the PC for absolutely no reason, apart from Facebook-ing, YouTube-ing and also craps that are as stupid as a cat who swim. 

No wait cats who swim are cool! Kewl I tell ya!

Anyway, she use the PC like from 12 in the noon till something like 5 PM or sometimes up till 8 PM and then she'll pass it to me and so I have to use it at night till like literally the next morning, around 3-5 AM. Which is pretty much stupid, because I don't feel like playing game that early in the morning. And lack of sleep may cause your concentration to be lacking, which is bad. 

Okay, so fine, she is now in her school break, and school is only up next year, but hey, I'm in my sem-break too! I too deserve a well rested mind from any form of intellectual items that will need my brain to work like hell! And she can only tolerate MY TIME to work with her time so that she can kill her holiday period! 

And she is literally killing the her time with the PC. I mean, come on, she had been watching the same 10-episodes Japanese Drama for like what, the fourth time already. And when I asked her why, she just said 'cause I don't get the story'. Dude what's the point of repeating the whole series, not to mention for four times when you have absolutely no idea what the whole thing is about? Gosh she is so dumb.

True, she is so dumb. She did bad in her UPSR. So bad. Gosh I hate her. And she stinks too, just to make it worst. God, why I don't have useful little sister who understand the need of I, who play games AND blogs? Why God? Sheesh, guess this is just my destiny. 

Anyway this is just a quick update since I HAVE the time to kill. I certainly have no time to play game. Wait, let me rephrase that. I certainly have no MOOD to play any game for any reason and I think I wanna go and catch some of Naruto and maybe some Glee episodes while I'm online. Gosh, see why I certainly should not give this darn PC to my lil' sis? i use it not for me to rewind the same freaking story again and again! I watch Naruto, Glee, and other story, once per episode since I don't even have a TV back in my apartment unit. 

Crap, the longer I type this update, the less time I'll get to watch Naruto. K, then, buhbye guys! 

P/s: This is probably known as 'Bad Stuffs' because apparently talking bad stuffs about your stinky sister (not to mention calling names) is bad and should be avoided at any cost. With the exception of this one, cause I RAWKS! 

Friday, November 26, 2010


For some reason, and that reason being going to my Honey's blog, I was suddenly am filled with this longing, sad, pathetic, all cry-y kind of feeling. For absolutely no reason. Okay, fine, I was sad, most probably thanks to IMS (Irritable Male Syndrome) but I know I was sad because I read her post and realization starts to occur to me. Gosh, I'll talk about this in the post-script.


I remembered somewhere in between October and November, while I was walking with my friends towards Sunway Pyramid, we discussed about something and I come out with the most brilliant thing ever.

"I guess if you told another Malaysian, be it young or old, no matter from what continent that guy might be, what god he choose to believe, he is sure to know that of Doraemon, Shin-chan, Ultraman, Power Rangers, or even Naruto..."

Well, I can't remember a thing about what made me said that clever thing, but, yes, it is true that we, Malaysians, no matter where you live at, will come to that time in our lives in our live when we know Doraemon and stuffs. Which happens to prove something. We are blessed...

With too much TV. *sigh*

That is a sad thing. We had a little too much TV. Way too much TV. I know that's true, since I'm an addict myself. I've always hoped that my life would somehow magically turns into one of that from the TV. But guess life is life, and sadly as it is, hopes crumble.

To make it even worst, suddenly I come out with this brilliant idea to watch Naruto Shippuuden, Glee, Flash Forward, and other TV series online. And that is just because you can't rewind any stupid scenes that you love on TV. And because I seems to miss a few episodes here and there. So, yup, now it's online TV babe!

Anyway I was actually planning on doing a post on 'How to Deal With Gay Online Stalker', because I had just recently encountered one! Though he's not gay. Let me rephrase that, though he HASN'T come out as gay, YET. And to make it worse he used to be my classmate when we are still in high school. Yup, life sucks, but life is life.

I went to this one blog just now, It was freaking hilarious. They used Facebook account to actually come up with hilarious jokes, and yes they have disguise themselves with characters ranging from fairytale and folklore to some historical celebrities (two birds with one stone? Damn I'm good!).  

Note: When I said 'just now', it was like, while I was thinking of what to write after my self-quote part of this post. And this post is a one-shot post, so there is no drafting thinging okay?

Since we all have a Facebook account (unless if you're a freak who is still using the all too-much-to-think-about-layer-colour-font-colour-background-etc-etc-etc-sparkles-etc Friendster or Myspace), I'll link you up to the page in Facebook so that you can like them and make their nation bigger! YEAH!.

That guy is the man! Gosh, he is so clever. SO CLEVER! To think that he actually can come up with the idea to utilize Facebook to create something as hilarious as it is. Gosh, clever.

Note 2: I don't have any idea if he was the one who created all the statuses, or if he just found it, like ranomly or anything. But by the way he is water-marking everything, seems like it's his.

Have you heard Bruno Mar's new song 'Count On Me'? I like it~~

Aww Love it so much... Am now feeling a bit sleepy, think I might just fall asleep right now, K then buhbye!


P/s: I don't know what I am supposed to write here. Love you all! 

P/s/s: I think this is the, umm, effect of IMS. Gosh this is SO embarrassing.

Monday, November 22, 2010


NOTE: If you guys don't have a single idea what 'alt' means, then I guess you guys don't Youtube as much as I did. Anyway, you might want to begin from here if you haven't read the original ending. Chiao~~ (Chiao is goodbye right?)


So I have read this article about penis....

In a very awkward way I tried to end this post with a statement that I had read an article about phallus without offering even a simple explanation. But then again, here I am trying to sort things out. 

Well I kinda found out about that article when I tried to figure out what 'phallic structure' really is, or rather why would a man in a certain comic (not classifying it into a manga or a normal comic) be totally upset when his whole bad day ended with a greeting by a basket filled with mushrooms that have 'undeniably phallic structure'.

Despite knowing that I might end up in 'bad influences' sites, I still go on and search the word 'phallic' through the Internet rather than the old way (dictionary) because the Internet is filled with stuff, both bad, good, and a bad-good (or a good-bad, if you may).

Anyways, for the thousandth time I would like to bid thank you for those who have been loyal to my blog (either or not you read any of my posts T^T ). I really am trying my best to at least have the decency to actually do my blog post as frequently as I can. Thank you for your support!

Does anyone here knows Fred Figglehorn? I knida like him. 



Kinda. Seriously (-____-'''). Okay then! But you know what I really like? Bruno Mars songs. His songs kinda talk to me. I mean I can clearly listen to his songs and his words thus the conclusion of talking or hearing a song talk is really not that too far-fetched, compared to an air-borne HIV/AIDS.

And I'm thinking of studying sign language. My reason for that is probably because you'll never know when you'll be having an impaired brain. Or maybe you are stuck in a place where all the people don't speak English nor Malay, because they all can't speak but they know sign language. I clearly am watching way too much TV.

P/s: Doesn't this alternate ending look a little bit too long when they are add up to my original post?

P/p/s: Does anyone ever use p/p/s?

P/p/p/s: The note in P/p/s was actually stolen from a site where I read it. It was suppose to be a joke, a really clever joke. And I <3 it!


Okay don't get me wrong I've never, NEVER watched Family Guy, be it before, now, nor even am I about to. I just don't feel like watching a show that have the words 'family' and 'guy' in a sentence. Ugh.

I don't know about you, but I don't like the baby and that dog. 
They never grow up, and what's more they talk!


I am wondering... Have any of you guys watched Megamind? So how was is? I personally think it was PERFECTLY FUNNY IN A MOST EXAGGERATED SIMPLE JOKES INTO A MASTERPIECE OF PURE EUPHORIC STUFFS!! OMG! 

Okay. Awkward~ Anyway, yes, Megamind is like the best hilarious and comedic film I've watched up to date. Or maybe it is somewhere in my must watch movie list of the year. OMG I just come out with the most brilliant idea! Wait for it, I'll just come out with it. 

P/s: I don't do 'How I Meet Your Mother' also.

I just love how brilliantly Will Ferrel brought that blue-bulbous-headed character of Megamind. He certainly knows how to brings the character into life. Or maybe the director knows how to play with his characters. Or maybe the script writer knows how to arrange simple words into a complex joke. Gosh, I am certainly sure the script writer must be Da Bomb in any party.

NOTE: The part that you have read from the first letter 'O' till the space before this note (not joking) was written some few days ago (unjustifiable). Pardon me for any incoherency that you might have noticed after this note. *sad face T^T

So I have read this article about penis....
...And this blog post ends right here.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Today marks the day that I am extremely, fully, undeniably  happy and tremendously free. Since, well, today is actually last day of exam! YAAAAYY!!

But today marks the day even greater than all of the other great and remarkable thing that may have happened this day. Today, some, I don't know, maybe some 40 or 50 years ago, my Mom was born on this day.

That sounded bad isn't it? Well, I kind off don't really quite remember the exact year BUT I STILL KNOW THE DATE. So, that should have been enough right?

My Mom, being the most incredible Mom ever, partially since I have like only ONE Mom (good job Dad!). The other reason would be, most probably because my Mom is like the only Mom who would, literally kill her own child if he/she (not me) do a stuff that is wrong to her. But that is only like when we are small. I mean, they are small. Not me. :)

She has like the one thing that I believe not many Mom dare to do. She has like a very brave heart. I still remember, once, I was fighting with my little sister, and at that time, if I remebered it correctly, my Mom was first diagnosed with a high blood pressure. I think the fight was over some very trivial stuff and we kind of really got to her skin and then she scolded us. But she wasn't just about scolding. She was literally beating us up.

Oh well. My Mom had probably beaten most of her child up, all two boys and to girls that she raised bare-handed. If you consider my Dad as a pocket and my Mom as hands. Anyway, unlike any other mother that we would see in the TV, my Mom was brave enough to actually bring her hands up and teach her children, with no doubt. Although she usually would cry while beating us up.


I suddenly realized something. I felt like talking about bad stuffs about my Mom. This sucks. But, well, she is my Mom and I am totally happy that I have a Mom like her. She is the one who is responsible of make thye me who I am today.

I would have never asked for another Mom to raise me up. She had been there through my thicks and thins, my ups and lows. She cried with me, laughed with me, she hugged me when I got almost every big test results, she told me to always study hard every time I left the car - since studying is the only thing that I've ever done in my life and I always get out of a car since I've been living in hostel for all my studying life, and she even told me not to use my money like I never had any money in my entire life. Athough the last two part were never fully accomplished.

Mama, a mother like you is the only thing I have. I am blessed to have you, even when I never asked for anyone as perfect as you are. You are the pearl of my heart, a real pearl, that doesn't need even a sparkle of light to shine through a drak night. You are the reason I am me today, I am alive today, I am even here to write you this post today. 

Although from afar, I want you to know, regardless of how you are, no matter how many pills you have to eat because of your illnesses, no matter how imperfect you are in the eyes of the world, you are, for me, the angel in my eyes. 


P/s: Today I am finally finished with my exams! YAAAAYY!! It was my Chenistry paper, and I kinda screwed it up, but, oh well, I guess everybody gotta make like some kind of mistake or 'screw-up', so yeah, I practically screwed up that paper. That, and including some other four papers. BTW, I took only 5 subjects. Ahahaha~~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hey guys! Sorry for not writing for so long... Heck, I've done a contest post at least, so I just want to cancel out that part. Moving on.

So how are you guys doing? I don't know about you, but if like the blogger of the blog that I'm reading asked how am I doing, I won't reply. Just so you know. I totally understand why I haven't got like 605 comments for any single post that I've done. Most probably because I'm not that famous. Yet. *Sigh*

P/s: Somebody actually was featured by Nuffnang, and guess what? The blog was only 6 months old. Jeez, such a bummer!

Anyway! I'm doing totally fine (again, just so you know...) and I'm am doing totally not good. Confused? Actually I am currently in the final exam month for this semester, so, yeah, I'm not doing really good. I still have two paper to go, and I just had today's paper last morning which was Computer Science, and hell I hate it. 

Hah! But that's not what I want to talk about. Actually I've been planning to do this like for a while now, but I guess today would be a good day to do so. 

I played this new game, it is a simple yet complicated browser based game, The Ninja RPG. It is based on the manga Naruto, it's so cool, but is very troublesome, since I have to like check in every single minute for any progress on my character. Gosh, I sounded like such a pathetic person.

Oh my, side-tracked. Sheesh!  

You know, being a human, it is like totally hard to try not to judge people. It's like telling yourself not to open your eyes and see the world. No offense to those who can't see (but what is a blind man doing on my blog?), but seriously, it is damn hard.

Although that being said, not all people are totally okay with you judging them. I think this topic had been talked a lot. The issue of discrimination. Be it gender, sex-orientation, face (it exist), race, or even bloodline. 

I mean, come on. You can't deny that you have that urge to look at the man who is sitting right in front of you, not because he is hot or something, but because he has an eye defect. So you're probably peeking at him, wondering, which eye is he using to look at which direction.

And then, he nod at you. Oops, caught red-handed. *Sigh*

So, since I am a fellow human too, I too judge people. Well, honestly, I judge people a little bit too much. And I am certainly care not about other people who judge me. Pretty so. Okay, fine I'm lying of course I care if people judge me or not, but usually my egoistic-self get the better half of me and I just be all 'I don't give damn about what you think!' 

The think is, I don't just go and judge people all to my heart content, that is just wrong! But I like to judge people who are somehow related to me. For example, people of the same religion as I am. I mean, being a Muslim is hard, it really need all of your effort to practice it. But sadly, most of us, who claimed to be a Muslim, don't really took an effort of becoming good at it. 

P/s: I'm taking account of myself with that statement... *sad face

Being here, in my college, and mixing with fellow Muslims from other countries, surely made me realize that the typical, stereotype Muslim that we Malaysian had in our mind are definitely wrong, and I think that we all know that. Sometimes, we met women who wear a scarf over her head, but sadly, well, lets just say do bad things, forbid by our religion. And then, I personally met this woman, who wear like she's not even a Muslim, yet she still go to the musollah and perform her prayers, for every prayer period that we have. 

And that, kids, is what meant by the phrase 'don't judge a book by its cover'. Heck, don't even think of judging a book just by reading the title ON the cover. You are so not going anywhere.

Okay, so that's it. Phew, that is some topic to talk about, now isn't it? Well, whatever. Anyway, do you remember this post I did in order for me to win the SUPER AWESOME INCREDIBLE MAGNIFICENT FLAWLESS DUPER OUT-OF-THE-WORLD Blackberry Torch 9800? Well, guess what? I WON~~ 

Okay, I'm lying. I didn't even get any reply from them. *Sad face*. Anyway, there is always a silver ling in a dark cloud, although whatever it might mean and whether or not it has any relation to this situation. Celcom, the main sponsor for all those free AWESOMENESS, are still giving away three more! So I still have hope of becoming cool~ Great! Check this out! And since there are not that many of you guys who read my blog, so there are even more hope for me to win it! YAAAAYY!!! 

For some reason, I like to lie today...