Sunday, December 26, 2010


You might noticed that I had revamped my blog. Not that it matters to me. I mean revamp, renovate, redecorate, whatever it is, it's not like I'm going to score any money than I ever had. Which is none. So yeah, I've revamp my blog.

My sister was wondering, why do it now? Why don't do it like, two or three days before new year? That would be a totally appropriate timing to do so. Which I would agree. But, sadly, as appropriate as it might seem, human never did care when is the right time to change. Little that they even notice that they had strayed away from the being that they used to be. And that is totally okay with me, since everything in this life changes.

Some other changes that people often find kind of exciting yet annoying at times are friends. Some argued (in Facebook) that they had lost friends. Even my Honey argued the same thing, that she had lost someone (bet it's NOT me). One of my junior from my previous school even posted that his mom told him that the friends that they're going to befriends with, like till the end of their life, is going to be the ones they found after their school (college, university, work, etc.). And boy was he furious about that!

To tell you the truth, I kind of agreed with my Honey and my junior's mom. They both had a point. People actually feared that people that they used to know changes and become someone else who they definitely can't even recognised, not even when they are still wearing the same shell they used to. They are scared that all the memories that they have had together will be washed away just like that. 

Quoting from my now most favourite, great, interesting, beautiful, hilarious, and-everything-that-is-good-and-nice musical show ever, Glee... Umm I kinda lost the initial idea of what I was supposed to quote, so I'm going to watch it again just for the sake of quoting.

Anyway, moving on....

It's kind of true. At the last day of school, before everybody hurried home and spend their school breaks to their heart contents till they're all spent, everybody will meet up with almost everybody. Hugging, laughing, getting their numbers and stuffs, and promising that they will keep in touch with each other during the holidays. Because they were supposed to be friends. If that was the case...

The case was that, none of them did it. Or should I say, none of them did it long enough. It was always hot during the first two days, or first two weeks. Laughing, keeping it up with what the other is doing and stuff. Planning to meet up with each other as if the whole 10 months of seeing each other at school wasn't enough. Or spending five years of stuck with same faces, day and night, in a truly crowded hostel that you are thoroughly soaked up with the others smell and shit wasn't enough for you (well, that was my case, at least).

Note: Ugh, I gotta hate that Avira notifier. Stupid free antivirus.

And then when you meet up with them after the break, all you can talk about was how each other enjoyed the break, and you totally forgotten about that promise made to stay contact during the holidays. Or even worst, when you're done with school. Oh, that is a totally whole new chapter to talk about. Friends who forget friends, those who back in school was you're favourite girl-friend who is now going all M.I.A, not even text, e-mail, not even Facebook! 

And that is the friends that you wish to keep till the end of your life? Well, why not, but come on guys! True friends are those who are with you, not just during thick and thin, rain or shine, but also when there is totally nothing to be shared about. And the only friends that can truly be there for you are the ones around you. Like literally around you. 

Talking from my experience, after the big exam, my friends, and even me, we went to walk our own paths. It's like inevitable. People do take their own way. And when I went to my current college, I was the only one whom I know. Which means that there are totally none from my previous schools. I had to make new friends. Start it all over again. And what that made me? A guy who had even more friends. 

Of course I missed my old friends, not that I totally forget them. Especially my Honey, and my mangaka-wannabe friend, and all, but you got to live in the moment you know? And besides being where I was, there are like totally no way for me to like meet up with my friends and talk about the good ol' days. Although I might add that in the apartment I am living in now, 3 of my girl-friends from my previous school are also living in there. But that is still not the case.

When you are so not in the same place as your then BFF is, the only thing that you could do is hope and pray that he/she won't forget you. Oh, and you could always remind him/her on Facebook that you guys were once BFF or anything. I've been there, and I now how it felt like when you went to see his/her wall, like after some weeks/month of not talking/texting each other and you kinda missed him/her and all you could see is some unknown people talking and laughing about unknown stuffs. 

Note: I don't know why I'm making such a fuss of this stuffs, just so you know. I haven't updated my blog like forever. Or so I think. Whatever.

Well, yeah, that is the truth, friends really do come and go, no matter how hard it can be for you. Because no matter how eager you are to stay friends, you just got to remind yourself, that we are (who we are) human, and human tends to forget. So the morale of the post? Don't judge a book by it's cover.

Okay maybe no,. I think the morale is that never forget that people come and people go. It's like a very normal thing to do. And so does your friends. And you know, you should be totally grateful now that we have Facebook, which is like totally awesome when compared to MySpace or Friendster or whatever. With that you can still connect with your friends. In a more efficient way rather than wait for your letter to even reach your friend. Which is ancient.

P/s: It took me three days to finish these. I can't tell if I'm getting old, good, or anything else. I kinda hate this feeling. Anyway, my niece keeps on bugging me asking me what I'm doing. Kind of like this,

"Ibal buat apeeeeeeeee?"

and she kept asking me like ten to some ten thousand time while hanging on my neck like crazy. Hrm. And what worse is my Dad. OHMYGOD. He's sick, like in undeniably pain and stuff, but the doctor was like 'Oh don't worry he won't be needing any hospitalization' but everyone in this family kind of hate him whenever he's sick cause he's all whiny and wheezing even though it's only a fever. But this is not fever so everyone is still hating him but kind of in a good way cause everyone now is kind of pity him and all. But I still don't get the doctor. He can't really walk (he's on the office chair, the one with the wheels) and he talks like my aged grandfather, but worse. It's like my gramps just aged another hundred years. It's amazing how my mother gets what he was saying. Anyway, now I'm hoping that his legs will get better cause I don't like his condition. Definitely not his condition.

P/p/s: This is one long post-script


Minem said...

padan muke kau hahahahahahahaha

Iqbal Ismail said...

maksud ko?

Filzah R. said...

I really like your bloq Iqbal!
And what you've mentioned about people coming and leaving is well undeniably true. People always leave.
But oh well guess life aint rolling the way we want all the time :)
Keep blogging! Me likeeeeey haha