Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Confession of a broken heart

That's a song, right?

What I do know is that I am very shocked this morning. And the shock-ness (is there such a word?) still last to this moment. You could just read my 'shout out' below.

I'm Dead!!

I actually saw one of my junior (I actually hate to admit that he is my junior because I don't know him - barely) in the TV. And he (kind of) captured the camera's attention. Several times. I didn't notice any chicks (chipettes) behind him that might actually be the main reason the camera was pointing to HIM!

And it lasted for several times. And each time it passes 1 second. 1, whole, damned, second!
I was like,



Not just that. Me, myself NEVER been caught on a camera belonging to the PRIME TIME TV, but he (someone who I presumed was hated wholeheartedly by almost everyone) was caught by the camera, for FOUR times! And it was a recorded program!


Why the fudging director or whatever didn't threw away the footage with his face in it?

I know I'm acting a little bit foolish arguing about this, but hey, THAT actually made a human, well, human.


And another thing that actually annoyed me very much is about a recent tragic accident involving a bus, causing 10 deaths.

Okay, so this is the thing(s) :

1) I would love to send my grieves and prayers to the deceased family. May the soul of the lost be by Lord's side.

2) Still to the family of the dead, I just want you to know that I personally think that the one to actually be blame is not the company, Sani Express Sdn. Bhd. Mainly because, the one that caused the death of your family is so not the company. It is the driver of the bus. Plus, the company did everything the could just so that they actually could provide the best services, both to the passengers, and the drivers, even back to the company itself. They have put up speed limiter, a GPS system on-board, everything but a good service so that people would be confident in using their services. So why blame them?

3) To the accused, Mohd Kamil, I am on your side. Okay, not that it meant anything. Just that I agree to him when he plead not guilty for accusation of driving recklessly or speeding. And I think that's STUPID! The company had given a statement stating that they had put up a speed limiter system in which, not just that the driver had no authority or whatsoever to change the setting, it would also be a total pain in the ass to do so! So how come, the accuser, accused the driver (what else the accuser can do?) of being reckless on the road? Not just to mention that the statement was also shown to the media, proving that the company was willing to prove it if they really had to! I'm telling you, this is so stupid! Another prove saying that the driver really didn't drive recklessly is that there is a Global Positioning System (GPS) in the bus, in which, the GPS actually send information to the headquarter regarding the bus speed and the bus location, also the bus direction. The company should have known about the bus speeding if they really did speed. And the bus has never been recorded of being reckless on the road. So why bother telling the court the driver was reckless?

4) Lastly, the cause of the accident was really a human fault. Of course, the bus driver was a human. He ACCIDENTALLY fell asleep, okay maybe not fell asleep but dozed off for a little while and caused a total of 10 death. That sounded creepy. Anyway, it is a human fault. It was midnight. We was supposed to be asleep at night! Unless in you're insomniac. And I do believe there are no designated night drivers, purposely hired to drive at night. And since he is a HUMAN, he would have to do many stuffs right? Even shitting actually consumed a lot of energy! If you are ever to accuse him, accuse him because he fell asleep. Find the perfect quote for that, I don't know what. But right now, that would do.

So that's it. Thank you for not reading.


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